Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tumors Dissolve, Neuropathy healed, people saved.. NEBRASKA

I just got back from a CRAZY trip to Nebraska..
I was recently thinking about a trip I went on in July 2008 to Mozambique..
where I saw God do some miracles I had never seen before like the lame walk, blind see, deaf receive hearing, and swollen stomachs become normal.
And I remembered that I use to believe that it was easier for God to do miracles there.
then here in America
that anymore :)
let's just laugh at that lie.

There is no place that isn't an open heaven for God's love to come into and rock..
And miracles, healing, signs and wonders are just one expression of His Goodness and nature.
When He touches us it shows us what He is like and that His Kingdom is at hand..
That He is here now! That God dwells with and in His creation that He loves!

Everywhere we went in Nebraska whether it was a coffee shop, gas station, Walmart, college campus. God showed up with His love, power, and GOODNESS! Healings, salvations, and people feeling God's presence for the FIRST TIME was very frequent and such a pleasure to be there for!

A few of the many things he did was..
Heal a woman of an eye that had lost it's sight due to an accident when she was three years old. Her eye was now lazy and she could no longer see color or make out pictures. The presence of God came and she began to see colors, details in the room, and then she could count fingers at a distance! She hadn't seen out of it in almost fifty years!
Next God healed twelve years of neuropathy in her hands and feet without anyone praying for her. Then she couldn't find her carpel tunnel, and neither could the woman next to her! NO ONE PRAYED!
The woman next to both of them had two gumball sized fatty tumors in her forearm these started to disappear.
This church was activated in miracles and words of knowledge! YAY GOD!

Also in two other church services two different women with withered hands were healed!

My friend Cami and I spoke at a youth service with around 60 kids about God's presence and goodness and many of them felt God's presence for the first time and shared with the other youth their encounters. That was so exciting to see them go from barely responding to me speaking to them to smiles and tears as they experienced how good my best friend, Holy Spirit is.

So many other great and absolutely amazing things happened but these are some main highlights. I had such a great time seeing Jesus get everything HE paid for.. :) Thanks for all your love &&& SUPPORT!!

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