Friday, November 25, 2011

Black explosion!!!

Hope your Black Friday was grand and filled with light and joy from Holy Spirit in whatever you were doing and 
wherever you were!

Naomi and I hit the streets in down town Redding and we meet so amazing people who encountered Jesus and His grace.

The first two people we meet were two homeless men. One guys name was choice and just hanging out. We just loved and encouraged them.

Moses and Henry: Moses was a younger man from Sudan Africa who had just moved to Redding. I asked Moses if he had ever felt the presence of God before and he responded, “Not until now” as in until we had walked up to him. We kept prophesying God’s heart  and dreams for his life (not even very specific) but he was completely amazed and blown away that people would stop and talk and encourage him.  We continued talking to them for a while and he communicated that he did not like Christians and was shocked that we were Christians. The point I want to get across was that we didn’t even give specific words of knowledge but he was rocked by God and encountered Jesus in a loving way for maybe the first time in his life. In closing, we finally asked both of them to hold out their hands and ask Holy Spirit to come. They both encountered Jesus and we asked Jesus to reveal himself to Jesus. So if you want please pray for Moses.

Deb and Michael: this couple was amazing! As Naomi and I were talking with Moses and Henry we saw Deb singing out of a Bible to a few other homeless people. As we were getting to know them better we learned that they both knew Jesus and were married for only a week! They had an shocking 17 year difference between and made a wonderful mix:-) We asked if they wanted to feel the presence of God and they both asked Holy Spirit to fill them and show up in their life. It looked like Deb started to manifest and she said that she felt a “jolt of electricity” fill her body.
Naomi and I both prayed for their knees and then Deb’s hearing loss. We prayed: at first she couldn’t hear me from 10 feet away. The next time we prayed I stood 25 feet away and she could hear me. Also Deb had a lot of mental illnesses like Schizophrenia and both Naomi and I got a word of knowledge about Jesus wanting to heal mental/ brain issues. And we released that and the peace over her and her entire countenance changed. Also we prophesied over their dreams and they shared how they want to do singing and acting for people while preaching the love of Jesus. Yay!

Written by: the glorious Julianne Wood :)

And then I finished my day with some quality time at Black Bear Diner with Les, Audrey, Dave, and Laurel!!

Also I took my California Food Handling test for work oh what joy ;) Naomi!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Prophetic Ministry in downtown

Twelve BSSM students and I are going on our mission trip to Cuba together and last week we hit up the streets together to love on people here is a brief summary of what God did:) ENJOY!!

Testimonies from this past monday! Me, naomi, and Peter were one group and Ahab, Robbie, and Lauren were another group. We saw a car driving who dropped off someone. We went up to the guy who was driving to roll down his window. Naomi told him that she saw a pink blanket over his car( spirit of God hovering) which was the Lords sweetness and love. Gots words of knowledge that he liked extreme sports(surfing), was going to invent new things in that arena, he has had lots of protection over his life and continuing, used to dream really big when he was a kid, and needed prayer for a job and school stuff. Then there was two ladies in the parking lot, Peter saw God comforting a lot of past wounds. Got to release love over them, she just took her son to the emergency room for kidney pains and last year her son died. Then there was a woman with two kids coming down the street. Naomi started going on a prophetic rampage and me and peter joined in! Everything was right on and she started tearing up. she used to know Jesus as a kid but has falling away, right there she felt the presence of God and rededicated her life right there. Also her hips felt a lot better since she just had a baby!! As we went back in to work place there was a girl sitting filling out papers with a bible. Peter went and gave her a word. After hearing her whole story and ministering to her she gave her life to Jesus. I believe she was delivered of demonic attack. She was so blessed that she was crying the whole time, one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. "God knows a lot of things about a lot of people"-Naomi. Then Ahab and his team went to a coffee shop, discovered being turned down is really fun. They saw 3 guys coming to then and the shy guy wanted to find out about his destiny. He came alive inside and got rocked by prophetic words. Got to minister to a guy at the bus station and give a word about going from place to place but God was giving him a house.
Wow Jesus just ministered to so many people!! Have a blissed out day today:)

Written by: my amazing friend Amanda Borghese (1st year BSSM)

                                         Picture of our team worshiping:)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hospital cleared out by God!!

So if you read my post titled, "Nebraska Oh man."
here is an update to what is happening in that hospital..!
some friends and I just returned from a ministry trip to Nebraska about a week and a half ago where we went and prayed for a hospital.. then three days later 50% of the hospital was discharged, and not many people being admitted to the hospital...

The hospital is down to 20% CAPACITY!!
Yay GOD!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hallway Healing POP!

Last Saturday at the Healing Rooms where I intern..

The encounter room was getting pretty crowded so they announced that us interns would be taking all those who had deafness or hearing loss in the hallways and their ears would be open.
In the first wave twenty-one people responded and all of them to my knowledge received breakthrough (of some level.)

There was this cute older woman who had 10% hearing in one ear and 30% in the other she said. From Directly behind her should could not make out what I was saying. My normal talking voice, which is quite loud ;)... the presence of God was released and over a couple of minutes she was able to repeat what I was saying without looking at me from TWENTY feet away in a loud hallway!

There was in the second wave of people a woman who's ear canal had collapsed. She was unable to put a Q-tip in her ear.. she was prayed for for a couple seconds and she heard a popping in that ear. Then she tried to put her finger in it and she could a little bit and then she compared it to her other ear.. then something changed in her ear again and both were the same! WOW!
Also a guy who couldn't differentiate noises in a crowd was now able to hear what was being said when multiple people were talking, ringing in the ears left a few people, and hearing was restored..

Jesus just loves to touch peoples lives, even in hallways ;)

Tumors Dissolve, Neuropathy healed, people saved.. NEBRASKA

I just got back from a CRAZY trip to Nebraska..
I was recently thinking about a trip I went on in July 2008 to Mozambique..
where I saw God do some miracles I had never seen before like the lame walk, blind see, deaf receive hearing, and swollen stomachs become normal.
And I remembered that I use to believe that it was easier for God to do miracles there.
then here in America
that anymore :)
let's just laugh at that lie.

There is no place that isn't an open heaven for God's love to come into and rock..
And miracles, healing, signs and wonders are just one expression of His Goodness and nature.
When He touches us it shows us what He is like and that His Kingdom is at hand..
That He is here now! That God dwells with and in His creation that He loves!

Everywhere we went in Nebraska whether it was a coffee shop, gas station, Walmart, college campus. God showed up with His love, power, and GOODNESS! Healings, salvations, and people feeling God's presence for the FIRST TIME was very frequent and such a pleasure to be there for!

A few of the many things he did was..
Heal a woman of an eye that had lost it's sight due to an accident when she was three years old. Her eye was now lazy and she could no longer see color or make out pictures. The presence of God came and she began to see colors, details in the room, and then she could count fingers at a distance! She hadn't seen out of it in almost fifty years!
Next God healed twelve years of neuropathy in her hands and feet without anyone praying for her. Then she couldn't find her carpel tunnel, and neither could the woman next to her! NO ONE PRAYED!
The woman next to both of them had two gumball sized fatty tumors in her forearm these started to disappear.
This church was activated in miracles and words of knowledge! YAY GOD!

Also in two other church services two different women with withered hands were healed!

My friend Cami and I spoke at a youth service with around 60 kids about God's presence and goodness and many of them felt God's presence for the first time and shared with the other youth their encounters. That was so exciting to see them go from barely responding to me speaking to them to smiles and tears as they experienced how good my best friend, Holy Spirit is.

So many other great and absolutely amazing things happened but these are some main highlights. I had such a great time seeing Jesus get everything HE paid for.. :) Thanks for all your love &&& SUPPORT!!

Nebraska...oh man!!!

Oh MAN!!!

I just recently got back from a super awesome ministry trip to Nebraska.
I am going to delight you in some highlights.
I was in Grand Island and Kearney.

Let me tell you about the lady!
I was on a treasure hunt with eight woman from the church and we decided to stop at the hospital.
On our way back to the church it wasn't on our treasure maps....BUT..

Releasing God's Wonderful Presence in a hospital is just a good idea.
On our way in we saw over one thousand lady bugs! CRAZY!
Not that I counted.. but that's what it seemed like.

Also a girl on our team (from RDD) had seen I think it was fifteen lady bugs in her room.
Prophetically lady bugs are symbolic for the anointing
and are defenders of the harvest.
We later as a Bethel team were talking about all this when the pastor of the church said he was recently
given a prophetic word by a French prophet he knows that they would clear out their hospital!!

This was good enough for us!!
We later filled the church bus with our team to head to the hospital to see what God would do in about an hour!!

We saw God do some awesome things.
But not really what you would expect sending 20 crazy revivalists into a hospital.

One of our team members got a phone call saying..Hunter a little boy who was pretty sick was miraculously discharged!!
Who they had met and prayed for
(I can't remember what was wrong with him.)
ALONG WITH>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FIFTY PERCENTof the hospital....

they also weren't seeing many people come into the ER.
and actually were sending hospital staff home
BECAUSE.. they had nothing to DO!!
SAY WHAT...!?!?!


(pictured: Naomi (me) and Holly on bus in Nebraska)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Vancouver, BC

Psalm 119:24 Your testimonies are my delight they are my councilors. 

I just got back from a ministry trip to Vancouver BC and it was a great time full of a lot of learning experiences, for sure. We drove 17 hours up to Vancouver and 17 back. It was definitely a crazy trip.

-A woman who had cancer in her hands (and I believe feet as well) had a constant level 8 pain in her hands the pain went down to a 2 and then down to a 0.
-A woman who had constant nasal congestion for 30 years sinus started clearing up significantly.
-A woman who had osteoporosis couldn't squat for 18 years now can squat!!
-An elder in the church had hip pain for 35 years now is gone!!!!!
-A cyst on a woman's neck went from being the size of a large pea to at least half the size.

It was a fun trip the church was so hungry it was fun to see them activated in healing, the prophetic, and words of knowledge. It was great to watch them pray for each other grow out legs. Pray for people with flat feet and them receive arches. YAY GOD!