Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Prophetic Ministry in downtown

Twelve BSSM students and I are going on our mission trip to Cuba together and last week we hit up the streets together to love on people here is a brief summary of what God did:) ENJOY!!

Testimonies from this past monday! Me, naomi, and Peter were one group and Ahab, Robbie, and Lauren were another group. We saw a car driving who dropped off someone. We went up to the guy who was driving to roll down his window. Naomi told him that she saw a pink blanket over his car( spirit of God hovering) which was the Lords sweetness and love. Gots words of knowledge that he liked extreme sports(surfing), was going to invent new things in that arena, he has had lots of protection over his life and continuing, used to dream really big when he was a kid, and needed prayer for a job and school stuff. Then there was two ladies in the parking lot, Peter saw God comforting a lot of past wounds. Got to release love over them, she just took her son to the emergency room for kidney pains and last year her son died. Then there was a woman with two kids coming down the street. Naomi started going on a prophetic rampage and me and peter joined in! Everything was right on and she started tearing up. she used to know Jesus as a kid but has falling away, right there she felt the presence of God and rededicated her life right there. Also her hips felt a lot better since she just had a baby!! As we went back in to work place there was a girl sitting filling out papers with a bible. Peter went and gave her a word. After hearing her whole story and ministering to her she gave her life to Jesus. I believe she was delivered of demonic attack. She was so blessed that she was crying the whole time, one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. "God knows a lot of things about a lot of people"-Naomi. Then Ahab and his team went to a coffee shop, discovered being turned down is really fun. They saw 3 guys coming to then and the shy guy wanted to find out about his destiny. He came alive inside and got rocked by prophetic words. Got to minister to a guy at the bus station and give a word about going from place to place but God was giving him a house.
Wow Jesus just ministered to so many people!! Have a blissed out day today:)

Written by: my amazing friend Amanda Borghese (1st year BSSM)

                                         Picture of our team worshiping:)

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