Friday, August 26, 2011

Raised from the dead!!

This story was originally published here on the Bridgeway Church blog.

On April 10th and 11th Greg Morgan and John Carvey brought me (Rick Mann) and Jim Rogers to the Navajo Nation to pray for a congregation in Ganado. While there I got to be good friends with a pretty new Christian, Jeff, who was like a sponge. He wanted everything that God had for him and his family. He asked me on Saturday night if anyone in our congregation at BridgeWay Church had ever experienced someone being raised from the dead. I told him about the Tanzania Team with Jim Rogers and that many miracles, including someone being raised from the dead had been witnessed. Well, Jeff said he wanted that anointing for his family and his church. He had me lay hands on him right there and give him all that BridgeWay had in God's anointing. This guy is hungry for the Lord to move.

Sunday's service lasted from 9am to around 4pm. Jim and I prayed for the fire of the Holy Spirit to fall on the congregation. Many of the parishioners from the Ganado church came back in the prayer line multiple times for the Lord's anointing to fall on them.

The following week I called Jeff to see how he was doing and if the Lord was still on the move there. Jeff said he was glad I called him. He had a huge testimony to share with me. He said that after the BridgeWay team left them on Sunday night, the Lord told him to stay in the spirit. Jeff said that the anointing of the Lord fell on their church in Ganado on Sunday and remained on them after we left. Monday morning he got the terrible news that his cousin had hung himself.

An ambulance took his cousin to a hospital in Albuquerque and kept him on life support until his family could come and say goodbye. They declared him brain dead upon arrival at the hospital. The Lord told Jeff to stay in the Spirit while he went to see his cousin. When they got to the hospital in Albuquerque, Jeff and his wife went in through the doctor's entrance and all of the pass card protected doors just opened for them as they went through. When they got into the room, his cousin's head was swollen and dark from the hanging injury.

The doctors told him that they tested for brain activity and he was declared brain dead. After the family said their goodbyes the hospital was planning on unhooking him. He was essentially dead already. The Holy Spirit directed Jeff to pray Romans 8: 9-11. ". . . .He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you."

After Jeff read this scripture to his cousin, tears rolled down the face of his cousin in response! After that, Jeff says that the doctors retested his cousin's brain activity on Tuesday, the next day, because they saw movement in his cousin's legs. The test showed some brain activity coming back. On Wednesday, his cousin sat up and said "get me out of here! I want to go home!"

Praise God!!!

(source one of my favorite websites:

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I am shocked..dreams do come true!

So tomorrow I am speaking at a little ladies' lunch at one of my favorite womens' house and when I was saving a document for tommorow I noticed I had three word docs titled dreams.
My curiosity got to me and I explored.. them.. ALL..
Because that's how i roll...
To save the details 5 out of 300 of my life dreams 5 out of 5 being entirely impossible happened the past 5 months!!
I also ran into my dream/goals list for second year BSSM.. I'll post them below
many of them happened!

X-means it happened
XXXX-multiple means I am super excited about it & it happened!
and if it's blank that means it is about to..soon!

XXXX-crippled bodies made well time and time again
-see someone raised from death
X-a new confidence in my beauty
XXXX-go out to love people at least twice a week
X-be intentional in grocery stores driving ect to love on people
X-dance on stage during worship
-lose 10 pounds (so far 8.5)
-new eyes form
XXXXX-limbs grow out...YESSSSS!!!
-teeth appear through prayer
XXX-muscles form
XXXXX-open air and see salvations
XX-see 20 people saved through personal interactions (haha looking back God WAY exceeded this)
X-blog, write poems or paint at least 3-4 times a week
-open air a large crowd 50+
X-go on a wonderful date; yes a date (ugh, wonderful may or may not be the word.)
x my income increase
xx deep life long connections continue and even become more apparent
XX-meet with Les for coffee three more times (I'm actually interning with him)
XXX-strong, consistent open connection with housemates
XX-that Love Hutt would continue beyond this year (my house, oh and it did..)
-slam once
XXXX-eat dinner with someone I REALLY admire (def, lots)
xxx host a meal for friends (which was important to me because I was so busy)
-xsoak  and worship with friends regularly
-treasure hunt or such regularly with housemates
-xx go on a treasure hunt with children

I wrote this in October and viewed it just a few times.. thanks Holy Spirit for all you did!

I encourage you to write down your goals because at least half of these I didn't really even acknowledge the process of my breakthrough before reading this...

You may remember my earlier blog about dreams and dreaming with God..

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

transition..can I get an A-MEN!

 I have been in such a place of transition lately whatever that means. For the last three months I can not tell up from down. I am not trying to convey a depressed, hopeless, or even confused feeling. It's more like saying an awkward thing while you are the center of attention and not knowing how to redeem the moment type thing. It's like an everything was very exciting and I don't know how to make the moment climatic again type feeling. Or at least I think, that could be comparable.
The place I have been is hard to explain, it's a  feeling maybe, like I know what the rest of my life holds. Or at least in part, however I am unacquainted with tomorrow. And I don't know what to do, type thing. An all I know to do is to get in God's presence and love on Him because honestly right now that is all that makes sense. Truly in my head many many things make sense but all I understand in my heart is His sweet presence and I am okay with that. Any thoughts on transition?

I know everything will be back to better than normal soon :)