Thursday, August 11, 2011

I am shocked..dreams do come true!

So tomorrow I am speaking at a little ladies' lunch at one of my favorite womens' house and when I was saving a document for tommorow I noticed I had three word docs titled dreams.
My curiosity got to me and I explored.. them.. ALL..
Because that's how i roll...
To save the details 5 out of 300 of my life dreams 5 out of 5 being entirely impossible happened the past 5 months!!
I also ran into my dream/goals list for second year BSSM.. I'll post them below
many of them happened!

X-means it happened
XXXX-multiple means I am super excited about it & it happened!
and if it's blank that means it is about to..soon!

XXXX-crippled bodies made well time and time again
-see someone raised from death
X-a new confidence in my beauty
XXXX-go out to love people at least twice a week
X-be intentional in grocery stores driving ect to love on people
X-dance on stage during worship
-lose 10 pounds (so far 8.5)
-new eyes form
XXXXX-limbs grow out...YESSSSS!!!
-teeth appear through prayer
XXX-muscles form
XXXXX-open air and see salvations
XX-see 20 people saved through personal interactions (haha looking back God WAY exceeded this)
X-blog, write poems or paint at least 3-4 times a week
-open air a large crowd 50+
X-go on a wonderful date; yes a date (ugh, wonderful may or may not be the word.)
x my income increase
xx deep life long connections continue and even become more apparent
XX-meet with Les for coffee three more times (I'm actually interning with him)
XXX-strong, consistent open connection with housemates
XX-that Love Hutt would continue beyond this year (my house, oh and it did..)
-slam once
XXXX-eat dinner with someone I REALLY admire (def, lots)
xxx host a meal for friends (which was important to me because I was so busy)
-xsoak  and worship with friends regularly
-treasure hunt or such regularly with housemates
-xx go on a treasure hunt with children

I wrote this in October and viewed it just a few times.. thanks Holy Spirit for all you did!

I encourage you to write down your goals because at least half of these I didn't really even acknowledge the process of my breakthrough before reading this...

You may remember my earlier blog about dreams and dreaming with God..

1 comment:

  1. Interesting... Found your Blog from Don's post on facebook.. I too am on an incredible Journey.. It all started to Really Happen when I found The Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival by chance on facebook. Oh what My Eyes have seen~ I think I will do a blog too... I write poems, have written songs. Used to play the piano and guitar. My life style verse is These signs shall follow them that believe. I Love the Lord He is my Savior, Redeemer, Lover and Friend. PS I dont spell very good! Grin
