Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm loving it.. Revival at McDonalds!

Yesterday three friends of mine and I went on a treasure hunt to pray for people. Before you go out you write down clues of where you feel God wants you to go. If people aren't getting really strong impressions I just tell them to write down the first thing that comes to their mind because their imagination is good and they have the mind of Christ.

 It was all of their first time on a treasure hunt.. we followed our clues,, Lewis, Alexis, and McDonald to  the McDonalds on the intersection of Lewis and Alexis.. There we ordered smoothies and showed the woman taking our order our treasure maps. She was shocked to see her managers name, neck pain, wrist problems, horses, and a few other clues on it. She began telling us about how she recently moved to Toledo from Arkansas (I believe) and she had fallen and injured the whole left side of her body moving. We prayed for her and she tested it out and said she had less pain. We prophecied over her that God was bringing her into a place of hope. rest, peace, and His presence.. She was very HAPPY because she said this was exactly what she needed. As we wrapped up our conversation she noticed all her pain was gone.. we all left with smiles :D

Next we went outside to leave and we found more "treasures" people to talk to and love on who fit our description. But I am going to tell you about my favorite part. We met this woman outside name Joyce. We just felt like approaching her as she looked at our map she said almost everything made sense!! Many of the names were people who were close to her and we had a description of what she looked like. Also we had back and jaw pain. And her location we had the clues tree, flowers, garden, concrete slab, and she was sitting under a tree, on a large curb next to a flower garden median. We told her God lead us to her and that He loved her so MUCH! She said she was just praying and wondering when her life would turn around and if she would meet good people. She began to cry as she realized God had set her up. She had told us she had recently lost around 100,000 dollars due to fraud on her debit card and now her and her husband who was nearby holding a sign were out of a place to live. We encouraged her that God was good and turning the situation around, as we talked her back pain left. Then my friend Wendy prayed for her jaw which was injured by a man punching her who had a gun.. she said she had been on meds for it but could no longer afford them for a month. All the pain left her a jaw and she experienced god's joy and peace..!!! This woman is such a beautiful woman who God can not resist.

God is so in love with people and can not resist touching their lives!!!

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