Monday, July 4, 2011

Guadalajaran Volleyball and miracles at the park.

If we are faithless,      
He remains faithful,    
for he cannot deny who he is. 2 Timothy 2:13

 It is His nature to heal, set free, save, love, bring His Kingdom to Earth, He can not deny Himself.

Two days ago my friend Carrie and I decided to get together and get whacked in God's presence with the intentions of loving on people as we met them. We decided to head to a metropark in my area. So as we were deciding where we wanted to go at the park, we noticed a group of people bumping around a volleyball so we decided to ask if we could join their game. As we approached them we realized they were a group of Hispanic people about the size of 15 plus. I believe only three of the family members were fluent in English all being kids and the rest spoke only Spanish or some minimal spanglish. Que divertido! Carrie and I would get to break out our Spanish as we developed relationship and had revival. It turns out the whole family which consisted of brothers, sisters, aunts, and cousins were originally from Guadalajara, Mexico and were visiting their sister on a trip from where they live in Chicago.
We bumped the volleyball with them for a half hour in the 100 degree sun ! Then we joined their familia for a fruit picnic and conversations about our lives. Carrie had a word of knowledge about the woman's back and shoulder pain. The woman, Angelica then told us she had fallen down the stairs two months prior and had twisted her back and constantly had level 8 pain on a scale of one to ten. Also she told us she had a hernia in her stomach and we asked her if she had popping and cracking in her joints. She said she did we asked if we could pray for her. She said yes. As we prayed she said she felt a presence inside of her belly and she said the hardness in her stomach left. Next all her back pain, shoulder, knee, and head pain all left!!! Wow that is amazing! Thank you Jesus! She said she never had felt Holy Spirit like that before! Her husband also was healed of intense back and hip pain! He can not deny Himself!
Two hours after we met them we departed, with lots of smiles, hugs, kisses, and pictures taken, we made family at the park with our beautiful friends from Guadalajara. :D

Also yesterday three of my friends and I went on a quick vacay to a lake house there we learned our friend Micah did not have arches in his feet God in a moment gave him two new arches and now he says he can feel the difference as he walks, his weight has shifted from the bottom of his foot to his heel! My other three friends all had one shorter leg then their other and we watched as God grew out all their legs!! Jesus is so fun and amazing! He can not deny Himself! HE is so good at revival! Revival was His idea!!!

                                                                Carrie and Naomi :)
                                                                    from the park

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