Sunday, January 2, 2011

God is so good at His job.. we don't have to be!

"I believe the BIGGEST MOVE OF GOD this world has ever seen is sitting in your chair."

I was relaxing today after work (Del Taco) and I was cooking a very yummy black bean theryiaki turkey burger with avacado and provolone cheese on a whole wheat bun.. yum. I was thinking of God's goodness and how He transforms our mind and we find that we no longer have certain mindsets we use to. I'm sure everyone of you have experience that. I was thinking of how in recent months (the last 6 especially) it has become a lot easier for me to be confident when I pray God is going to show up which has really become a "no brainer," especially when I have an awareness of his goodness. Or even when I don't pray, for example when a circumstance comes across my path to just absolutely know God is going to rock it.. why because he is really good at his job.. really good.. so good in fact we don't have to be!! THAT'S GOOD NEWS!

We don't have to beg God and say "please heal so and so from such and such disease they have been so so good please God please ect." No it is his will to heal, He is so in love with the person in front of you and wants them to be well even more than you do.

 God wants to show up we don't have to say, "God please show up at church today." Bam God showed up when He sent his son to live inside of you now everywhere you go he is there changing the world through you. God is so in love with us we don't have to beg, pled, or earn anything from him. He has given it all to us freely as an inheritance we are His kids.

 He showed me that when I come into work my manager doesn't have to worry about "is Naomi going to take orders today, will she clean the tables, sweep the floor, stock, how about greet customers will she do that I wonder...hmmmmm...?" No.. she doesn't have to because she knows I will that it's my job, and I want to be there. Same way with God except more so He REALLY wants to do what is in his nature provide, heal, restore, cleanse.. ect. He is in love and he never changes ever! He loves being Him it's really natural for Him lol.

God is so good at what he does it is His nature to love, perform miracles, grow out limbs, take away pain, set people free, release joy, transform lives, businesses, families, nations, ect.. He is so good at his job it really really really takes the pressure off of us. It's so good! He's so good!


  1. Those are words of wisdom indeed, Naomi!

  2. So true. And a much needed reminder for me today :-)

  3. Thanks Jacob and Becca! Thanks for reading! <3
