Thank you to everyone who prayed and gave!!
Hello and thank you to everyone who prayed and supported our trip to Colombia in February. It was my second time in Colombia. I went for around a week to Sincelejo, Colombia with a team of 39 people! We were from five continents total! I also was able to see a few of my close friends who don’t live in Redding as well. We did a crusade and us from the BAM team each had an opportunity to preach three times in night services. We also did a conference during the day for pastors, leaders, and worship leaders. God moved BIG time and this was personally one of my favorite ministry trips.
During the first night of the crusade around 100 people were born again and during the second night around 300 were born again. God did hundreds if not thousands of miracles. Our team also was featured on the radio, television, and newspaper. We were able to share testimonies and call out words of knowledge.

The next day we went back out on the streets again and I saw around 10 guys sitting on a wall in the plaza. I approached them and began to loudly tell them testimonies of what God was doing. Before we knew it a crowd had gathered on every side of about 100 people. I stood on a wall so I could project my voice loudly. We saw God do 50 plus miracles most of them without anyone praying. God opened up deaf ears and blind eyes. At one point our crowd began to disperse while a second year student was powerfully preaching. I went to figure out what happened to the crowd. I saw they were gathered around the witch doctor. I hopped up where the student was preaching and asked him to stop for a second. I began making declarations of how Jesus Christ was the most powerful power, kindest, most loving, generous, ect. The crowd came back and the witch left. Next we said, “God’s Presence is here in a physical tangible way. You are going to begin to feel Him in heat, power, ect. Raise your hand if you do.” Every hand went up! Over 30 people were born again.
Also during one of the outreach times one of the girls on our team felt lead to go to the police station with her group. The police station invited them to share the Gospel with 200 officers in training. They were super rocked by the Good News!!
Thank you so much for praying into this trip and everyone who gave into the crusade to see heaven invade earth. I am believing our breakthroughs in Colombia are your breakthrough in your city. I am praying and believing for a harvest where you are!!
These were his instructions to them; “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields. Luke 10:2
Naomi West
Apprentice Minister
Bethel Activation Ministries (B.A.M)
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