Sunday, February 20, 2011

What is it like for women to live, love, and lead in their full potential? your thoughts.

                                  Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do.
                          Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong.

                                                         ~ Ella Fitzgerald ~

Have you ever felt like you were in a season in your life where everything in your life had potential?
I feel like I wake up every morning to this awareness that anything could happen.
That nothing is impossible.
I BELIEVE that is a fire that has been so deeply been burned on my heart for life.
That my dreams could be tasted today.
I am so thankful for the many people who I truely feel believe in me.
Right now, today, where I am at. The list goes on and on.

So today I went to this tea party,
Held by two amazing friends of mine where they shared their journeys of what it is like to be empowered as a woman. They shared their process. It was amazing. I am still processing.
During this time I was reminded how in my life I have felt limited by my gender in leadership ect. sometimes I have things burning in my heart to say something and I look around the room and notice I am the only woman present and or sharing. As of the past 6 months or so I have only noticed this, and for the most part not allowed this to hold me back because it shouldn't hold women back.
We are just as powerful as men. Different but never the less just as powerful.

I don't really have a message to share but just wanted to open this up as a discussion.
What do you think it looks like for a woman to lead, live, and love in her full potential? I know many of us our on a journey into this subject but what are your thoughts?
<3 Thanks

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Worship paintings (from this week)

These three paintings I painted on stage during worship at the Hem of His Garment Healing Conference in Powell Ohio. The first one releases a depth into God's presence to explore new places in His love. to drown in God's goodness and be captivated with who He is. The firey swirls release us to walk in our idenity as an open heaven. The second is an invitation to to grown and be planted in His presence. ect. The third was released through childlike worship I painted it with a 7 year old named Kate. YAY!! Please excuse photo quality these are off my camera phone :/

God loves conferences, airplanes, and the mall.

"There is NOTHING more dangerous than a happy Christian because there is no dangerous place when you show up."-Joaquin Evans

This week I went on a ministry trip with Joaquin and Chris Gore and many other amazing revivalists that changed my life forever. To a Hem of His Garment Healing Conference in Ohio my home state. UGHHHHH!! So many beautiful people God is doing INCREDIBLE things in OHIO!!This trip changed my life!! I had some crazy encounters in His presence this week (I wont get into that now though)  Here are some of the things God did this week to display His love:

Tail bones healed
new foot arches
headaches gone
40 years of car accident chronic pain gone
all symptoms of post polio gone (numbness, pain)
TMJ healed
constant blurred vision gone
eyesight floaters disappeared
ruptured discs healed
at least 6 deaf ears opening
woman without spit for 27 years now producing salva
allergies healed
tooth ache gone
toe pain gone
systs disolving from side
sense of smell coming back to around 7 people
diviated septums healed
MS healed
12 years back pain gone
legs grown out
tension leaving necks

On our flight back me and my new friend Ben were sitting together and we were starting to get to know the man sitting next to us his name was Alan. Me and Ben began to share stories of our week in Ohio with the guy sitting next to us with much joy and excitement. Stories about individuals who were touched by God we were sharing the love and joy of God. As we told them Alan was getting very excited and his eyes were getting watery. He was in awe and kept telling us to share more because he was soaking it all in he said. We then prophecied over Alan and told him he could walk in miracles just like us. Alan was shocked. As we talked to him we could see his perspective change and himself actually believe he could do it to. We prayed over him and asked him if he wanted to try to get a word of knowledge for healing over anyone in the plane and Alan went from totally not believing God could or would use him to practicing hearing God's voice in a plane.
Also one of my good friends from Toledo was at the conference and she was so moved and touched at it. that the next day she got some friends together to love on people at the mall. My friend typically doesn't see miracles of healing on a normal basis. At the mall her and her friends radically loved on people, it is all about love!! They saw a woman with a spinal injury get out of her wheel chair, a man with bad arthritis in his knees get healed, a girl with a crippled leg become straighter and all pain leave. They saw many people get touched by God's love and his thoughts towards them and a few people give their hearts to him.
God is so good. He lives inside of you and wants to get out to love the world around you. It is so easy to see God move just ask Him to highlight people to you and love on them. Smile, laugh, Take risks! BAM!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Deaf ear opens on woman's birthday and more!

A woman this week in the Healing Rooms came in with a deaf ear. She was talking and about to recieve prayer from a woman. The woman told her "This year on my birthday God opened my deaf ear." The woman looked at her in shock and said, "Today is my birthday!" Instantly God opened her ear and her hearing is now great in both ears!! YAY GOD!
Also there was a woman whom my group met she had excrutiating pain in her body it was hard for her to stand. We gave her a chair to sit in and began to talk to her. She said she had shoulder and neck pain and that the pain was a fifteen on a scale of one to fifteen. Both were swollen maybe a forth of an inch. She wasn't sure why but said maybe it was from an accident she was in 8 years ago. We prayed for a couple seconds and asked her to test it out. All the swelling went down and the pain went down to a two. Also the pain in her knees left and she was able to stand! Here pain got better 13 points on a scale of 10!!
Another woman also came into the encounter room which is a worship room where many people get healed and touched by God's love. A woman there had brain tumors and had been eating through feeding tubes and she was very hard to understand. I asked her, her name and couldn't understand her multiple times. Her friend filled me in with what was going on with her and her name. I felt lead to pray for her throat and asked her how it was doing she kept saying better and better and better. I COULD UNDERSTAND HER!! and she said she was shocked with how well she was talking!! That's good news!! We then both got up and danced for awhile to celebrate! It was fun, God is so in love with her!! I then later couldn't find her. I believe wherever she is she is continuing to be rocked with God's love because God is THAT GOD!!
God is so in love with us! He is so delighted in you! He LOVES to show up and love on us! If you need healing in your body test it out. I bet it is healed. :D