Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong.
~ Ella Fitzgerald ~
Have you ever felt like you were in a season in your life where everything in your life had potential?
I feel like I wake up every morning to this awareness that anything could happen.
That nothing is impossible.
I BELIEVE that is a fire that has been so deeply been burned on my heart for life.
That my dreams could be tasted today.
I am so thankful for the many people who I truely feel believe in me.
Right now, today, where I am at. The list goes on and on.
So today I went to this tea party,
Held by two amazing friends of mine where they shared their journeys of what it is like to be empowered as a woman. They shared their process. It was amazing. I am still processing.
During this time I was reminded how in my life I have felt limited by my gender in leadership ect. sometimes I have things burning in my heart to say something and I look around the room and notice I am the only woman present and or sharing. As of the past 6 months or so I have only noticed this, and for the most part not allowed this to hold me back because it shouldn't hold women back.
We are just as powerful as men. Different but never the less just as powerful.
I don't really have a message to share but just wanted to open this up as a discussion.
What do you think it looks like for a woman to lead, live, and love in her full potential? I know many of us our on a journey into this subject but what are your thoughts?
<3 Thanks