Friday, December 30, 2011

Twenty, years of love!

"Act as if it were impossible to fail."
Dorothea Brande

I went for a thirty five minute jog with my friend and housemate Selina Rocha a couple of days ago and after we went jogging she showed me this really incredible app on her phone when you shake it, it says a motivational phrase. When I shook it I received the quote above. Act as if it were impossible to fail. When we dream and make steps to live those dreams we actually are catapulted to new levels personally. This is something whether I have realized it or not, is something I crave; taking risks and going to the next level in whatever way I can... this saying maybe has been a life motto of mine without me EVEN realizing it.

With that I said I just turned 21 woot woot!!

And this week I compiled a list of things that God has done in my life or I have made steps towards this past year. My dream is that as you read this you would dream with God over your life and that you would allow Him to challenge you in new ways..that you would take risks and break past obstacles in your life and become the person you have always known you were inside..

Twenty was the best year of my life...

Twenty was a year of...

1. intense joy, fulfillment, purpose, and excitement
2. a year of feeling Very beautiful and loved
3. no longer taking risks, but becoming risk
4. went to Cuba ( a life long dream)
5. did my first healing conference
6. learning how to develop a healthy lifestyle of eating and rest
7. LOVING cooking
8. becoming confident in my ability to lead
9. upgrades in mindsets and favor
10. open air preaching
11. realizing and accepting what I was born for
12. the supernatural no longer was a theory that "mostly" worked.. but became a non -negotiable lifestyle.
13. deep intimacy with the Holy Spirit as a person
14. lead my first ministry trip...woot!
15. switching lifelong priorities from social to the Presence
16. feel in love with soaking!
17. becoming really confident in myself and no longer feeling like I had to prove myself, but becoming so confident in just being me.
18. actually embracing my heart and dreams to see the world come to Jesus! and a crazy explosion of salvation!!
19. seeing Holy Spirit show up in ways I had only dreamed of years previous
20. FORREAL the best year of my life thus far!! :D

Romans 10:11 For the Scripture says whoever believes in Him will not be dissappointed (NASB)

May EVERY dream God and you have dreamed over your life come true and MORE!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Love NEVER Fails!

Love NEVER fails!! A song by a good friend of mine! Singer/Songwritter/Superstar.. Carrie Jo Ardnt :) from Toledo, Ohio!

ENJOY!! <3

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Please help me!!!

I will be going to Cuba again this year for my missions trip. If you remember last year it was absolutely insane. There are 12 people going on this trip from March 23- April 3 the trip cost is $2500
And I already have 25% of the trip cost!! :D

This is our second time ...that we are taking a team into Cuba, we have very strong connections there with the National Apostolic leaders, they are very hungry and humble people. The main Apostolic leader has stated in reference to our previous trip, "In all my years I have never seen a team come to our country and minister on the streets to the people”. Last year we had so many salvation breakouts on the streets and saw the mightiest miracles as we ministered in churches. Our main objective this
year will be to run 2 Healing Schools/Conferences, one in two major cities on each side of the Island, for over 400 pastors and leaders. The sessions will be open in the evenings and are expected to draw
nearly 1000 people. We will also do some street ministry and have some good old fashioned hangout time on a beautiful beach. Cuba is experiencing a significant move of God resulting in large numbers of
salvation including a crusade where 4500 children and youth gave their lives to the Lord this summer. We are partnering with the leaders there and are helping turn their flame into a bonfire!!! Cuba para

Please prayerfully consider giving to the work of God in Cuba and my life to do so you can go to....

Thanks so much for giving, in prayer, or support! My life and Cuba's will never be the same!

*For an updated and comtinual prayer list message me personally or if you have any questions! THANKS so much!! is my posting about Cuba last year :)

My heart for YOU!

And my prayer for you is that you would find out why.
Today in a new way like NEVER before!
May you be consumed with the why..
may you know what you were born for everyday
and be reminded when you wake up..
may your very soul burn with purpose.

Because of that you will believe in yourself and change the WORLD!
You are Beautiful!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Skid Row and Reinhard Bonnke

What do Skid Row and Reinhard Bonnke have in common? Is that the beginning to a horribly cheesy revivalist joke? NO! But I am about to tell you what they have in common.

My friends Kevin, Korey, and I went to Skid Row a few weekends ago. If you don't know what Skid Row is I suggest you visit because it is a pretty beautiful place. And if you don't find it attractive I might suggest you redefining beauty a bit. :) So Skid Row is basically a neighborhood in LA..where many homeless people have set up transit housing on the sidewalk the sidewalk is basically packed with cots, sleeping bags, tents, chairs, and people, laying, sitting, talking, dealing drugs, fighting or just hanging out.

When we pulled into LA my friends and I were so full of joy, love, hope, and the power of God. I literally was feeling the power of God surge through my body in bolts of blissful electricity. I felt an invincible liquid compassion fill my life and heart for all the people we were passing by and chatting with.  As I walked past a guy in tattered clothes who was loading his rusty characterized truck with cardboard about six feet high. I felt a simple urge inside to tell him God was smiling about his life. He instantly began to cry as he looked at me. We just loved on him and encouraged him and he said he felt God's Presence and said he knew God. This guy was also Cuban which made me very happy, since Cuba is super dear to my heart <3

Next we were suppose to be meeting up with a guy who runs a ministry in the area but we couldn't find him anywhere, when we stopped by his place. As we were walking to another location I felt a pull on the anointing and my heart was just bursting with compassion. The sidewalks were full of people and I knew I had to turn around and talk to a woman who was laying on a cot and our eyes had just met. I approached one of the most precious and beautiful woman I have ever met in my life. She was this little frail and sassy African American woman who was maybe in her mid fifties. I just started telling her how beautiful she was to God and me. She was so captivated by this simple and true new message of love. She was so hungry to hear what the boys were saying as they prophesied over her. Her husband then came over who had arthritis with his friend who had arthritis. We prayed for them both her husbands back got straighter and they both had less pain!

A man then approached us and said he had pain in his back, we asked if we could check out his legs and see if they needed to grow out. There conveniently was a chair right there! So he sat in it and his leg was about an inch shorter than the other. Korey grew it out and had never grown out a leg before! Then us along with many other people saw this guy who was now just wearing socks who had NO arches in his feet. We watched arches form in his feet! YAY God! All the extreme pain he had been feeling had left his back and feet and he excitedly declared, "I can now play baseball!."
At this time a crowd was growing and people were gathering to see what this guy and us were getting excited about. Avery high woman approached us, Korey loved on her and her back pain left... he then said is there anything else I can pray for you and she said to be free from cocaine! :D

Then we met up with the rest of our team in LA, we had dinner together at the church with our friends  in Laguna Viejo and in the morning the eight of us went to the impartation breakfast with Reinhard Bonnke, and Daniel Kolenda. Who in the last decade alone have seen 55 million people saved!!! They both spoke and laid hands on us giving us impartations. Also Daniel prophesied some pretty crazy things over me. We can just say the entire meeting was my favorite meeting I have ever received from and I am still processing it. Reinhard is by far in my top 5 heroes of the faith. The whole experience completely rocked my world in ways I am unable to process.

In line at Reinhard I was in the book signing line by myself, and as normal by myself I became bored. So I decided to talk to the people behind me it was two women. I got a word of knowledge about their right hip and they said it was for their friend. She then walked back over to us she said her pain was at 6 then it went down to a 4 then down to a 0! Then I asked the other two if there was anything I could pray for they all said they were fine in their bodies. I got a word of knowledge about an ongoing problem in the foot and the women's middle toe had been giving her pain and problems for I believe she said 11 months and it all left! The other woman's wrist was healed and knee as well all conditions they had for a few years.  But the fun part was right before they got healed as I got the word of knowledge I noticed these guys behind them watching me interact with them so I asked him to tell the pain to leave and release God's presence it was then they were healed. God also healed three toothaches in line. How fun!

I really enjoyed this trip and hanging out at Cami's church and doing outreach in Laguna Niguel with them. It was a lot of fun. Someone gave their heart to Jesus in one of the grocery stores which was so awesome. I had so much fun hanging out with and connecting with our friends we had met in Nebraska and doing Sunday morning at their church and just seeing them all get more activated and touched by God. Oh I love Orange County and my friends there. I know the connection God has started there will only continue to grow and flourish! It was such a joy and honor to get to spend time with them, there passion and faith truly inspires me :D

                                                                     Our Team and Friends

                                                          Shocka Bonnke :D
                                                                      Me, Kevin, and Korey rooftop LA

                                                                                Me and Juju

                                                                           Daniel Kolenda and us

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black explosion!!!

Hope your Black Friday was grand and filled with light and joy from Holy Spirit in whatever you were doing and 
wherever you were!

Naomi and I hit the streets in down town Redding and we meet so amazing people who encountered Jesus and His grace.

The first two people we meet were two homeless men. One guys name was choice and just hanging out. We just loved and encouraged them.

Moses and Henry: Moses was a younger man from Sudan Africa who had just moved to Redding. I asked Moses if he had ever felt the presence of God before and he responded, “Not until now” as in until we had walked up to him. We kept prophesying God’s heart  and dreams for his life (not even very specific) but he was completely amazed and blown away that people would stop and talk and encourage him.  We continued talking to them for a while and he communicated that he did not like Christians and was shocked that we were Christians. The point I want to get across was that we didn’t even give specific words of knowledge but he was rocked by God and encountered Jesus in a loving way for maybe the first time in his life. In closing, we finally asked both of them to hold out their hands and ask Holy Spirit to come. They both encountered Jesus and we asked Jesus to reveal himself to Jesus. So if you want please pray for Moses.

Deb and Michael: this couple was amazing! As Naomi and I were talking with Moses and Henry we saw Deb singing out of a Bible to a few other homeless people. As we were getting to know them better we learned that they both knew Jesus and were married for only a week! They had an shocking 17 year difference between and made a wonderful mix:-) We asked if they wanted to feel the presence of God and they both asked Holy Spirit to fill them and show up in their life. It looked like Deb started to manifest and she said that she felt a “jolt of electricity” fill her body.
Naomi and I both prayed for their knees and then Deb’s hearing loss. We prayed: at first she couldn’t hear me from 10 feet away. The next time we prayed I stood 25 feet away and she could hear me. Also Deb had a lot of mental illnesses like Schizophrenia and both Naomi and I got a word of knowledge about Jesus wanting to heal mental/ brain issues. And we released that and the peace over her and her entire countenance changed. Also we prophesied over their dreams and they shared how they want to do singing and acting for people while preaching the love of Jesus. Yay!

Written by: the glorious Julianne Wood :)

And then I finished my day with some quality time at Black Bear Diner with Les, Audrey, Dave, and Laurel!!

Also I took my California Food Handling test for work oh what joy ;) Naomi!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Prophetic Ministry in downtown

Twelve BSSM students and I are going on our mission trip to Cuba together and last week we hit up the streets together to love on people here is a brief summary of what God did:) ENJOY!!

Testimonies from this past monday! Me, naomi, and Peter were one group and Ahab, Robbie, and Lauren were another group. We saw a car driving who dropped off someone. We went up to the guy who was driving to roll down his window. Naomi told him that she saw a pink blanket over his car( spirit of God hovering) which was the Lords sweetness and love. Gots words of knowledge that he liked extreme sports(surfing), was going to invent new things in that arena, he has had lots of protection over his life and continuing, used to dream really big when he was a kid, and needed prayer for a job and school stuff. Then there was two ladies in the parking lot, Peter saw God comforting a lot of past wounds. Got to release love over them, she just took her son to the emergency room for kidney pains and last year her son died. Then there was a woman with two kids coming down the street. Naomi started going on a prophetic rampage and me and peter joined in! Everything was right on and she started tearing up. she used to know Jesus as a kid but has falling away, right there she felt the presence of God and rededicated her life right there. Also her hips felt a lot better since she just had a baby!! As we went back in to work place there was a girl sitting filling out papers with a bible. Peter went and gave her a word. After hearing her whole story and ministering to her she gave her life to Jesus. I believe she was delivered of demonic attack. She was so blessed that she was crying the whole time, one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. "God knows a lot of things about a lot of people"-Naomi. Then Ahab and his team went to a coffee shop, discovered being turned down is really fun. They saw 3 guys coming to then and the shy guy wanted to find out about his destiny. He came alive inside and got rocked by prophetic words. Got to minister to a guy at the bus station and give a word about going from place to place but God was giving him a house.
Wow Jesus just ministered to so many people!! Have a blissed out day today:)

Written by: my amazing friend Amanda Borghese (1st year BSSM)

                                         Picture of our team worshiping:)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hospital cleared out by God!!

So if you read my post titled, "Nebraska Oh man."
here is an update to what is happening in that hospital..!
some friends and I just returned from a ministry trip to Nebraska about a week and a half ago where we went and prayed for a hospital.. then three days later 50% of the hospital was discharged, and not many people being admitted to the hospital...

The hospital is down to 20% CAPACITY!!
Yay GOD!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hallway Healing POP!

Last Saturday at the Healing Rooms where I intern..

The encounter room was getting pretty crowded so they announced that us interns would be taking all those who had deafness or hearing loss in the hallways and their ears would be open.
In the first wave twenty-one people responded and all of them to my knowledge received breakthrough (of some level.)

There was this cute older woman who had 10% hearing in one ear and 30% in the other she said. From Directly behind her should could not make out what I was saying. My normal talking voice, which is quite loud ;)... the presence of God was released and over a couple of minutes she was able to repeat what I was saying without looking at me from TWENTY feet away in a loud hallway!

There was in the second wave of people a woman who's ear canal had collapsed. She was unable to put a Q-tip in her ear.. she was prayed for for a couple seconds and she heard a popping in that ear. Then she tried to put her finger in it and she could a little bit and then she compared it to her other ear.. then something changed in her ear again and both were the same! WOW!
Also a guy who couldn't differentiate noises in a crowd was now able to hear what was being said when multiple people were talking, ringing in the ears left a few people, and hearing was restored..

Jesus just loves to touch peoples lives, even in hallways ;)

Tumors Dissolve, Neuropathy healed, people saved.. NEBRASKA

I just got back from a CRAZY trip to Nebraska..
I was recently thinking about a trip I went on in July 2008 to Mozambique..
where I saw God do some miracles I had never seen before like the lame walk, blind see, deaf receive hearing, and swollen stomachs become normal.
And I remembered that I use to believe that it was easier for God to do miracles there.
then here in America
that anymore :)
let's just laugh at that lie.

There is no place that isn't an open heaven for God's love to come into and rock..
And miracles, healing, signs and wonders are just one expression of His Goodness and nature.
When He touches us it shows us what He is like and that His Kingdom is at hand..
That He is here now! That God dwells with and in His creation that He loves!

Everywhere we went in Nebraska whether it was a coffee shop, gas station, Walmart, college campus. God showed up with His love, power, and GOODNESS! Healings, salvations, and people feeling God's presence for the FIRST TIME was very frequent and such a pleasure to be there for!

A few of the many things he did was..
Heal a woman of an eye that had lost it's sight due to an accident when she was three years old. Her eye was now lazy and she could no longer see color or make out pictures. The presence of God came and she began to see colors, details in the room, and then she could count fingers at a distance! She hadn't seen out of it in almost fifty years!
Next God healed twelve years of neuropathy in her hands and feet without anyone praying for her. Then she couldn't find her carpel tunnel, and neither could the woman next to her! NO ONE PRAYED!
The woman next to both of them had two gumball sized fatty tumors in her forearm these started to disappear.
This church was activated in miracles and words of knowledge! YAY GOD!

Also in two other church services two different women with withered hands were healed!

My friend Cami and I spoke at a youth service with around 60 kids about God's presence and goodness and many of them felt God's presence for the first time and shared with the other youth their encounters. That was so exciting to see them go from barely responding to me speaking to them to smiles and tears as they experienced how good my best friend, Holy Spirit is.

So many other great and absolutely amazing things happened but these are some main highlights. I had such a great time seeing Jesus get everything HE paid for.. :) Thanks for all your love &&& SUPPORT!!

Nebraska...oh man!!!

Oh MAN!!!

I just recently got back from a super awesome ministry trip to Nebraska.
I am going to delight you in some highlights.
I was in Grand Island and Kearney.

Let me tell you about the lady!
I was on a treasure hunt with eight woman from the church and we decided to stop at the hospital.
On our way back to the church it wasn't on our treasure maps....BUT..

Releasing God's Wonderful Presence in a hospital is just a good idea.
On our way in we saw over one thousand lady bugs! CRAZY!
Not that I counted.. but that's what it seemed like.

Also a girl on our team (from RDD) had seen I think it was fifteen lady bugs in her room.
Prophetically lady bugs are symbolic for the anointing
and are defenders of the harvest.
We later as a Bethel team were talking about all this when the pastor of the church said he was recently
given a prophetic word by a French prophet he knows that they would clear out their hospital!!

This was good enough for us!!
We later filled the church bus with our team to head to the hospital to see what God would do in about an hour!!

We saw God do some awesome things.
But not really what you would expect sending 20 crazy revivalists into a hospital.

One of our team members got a phone call saying..Hunter a little boy who was pretty sick was miraculously discharged!!
Who they had met and prayed for
(I can't remember what was wrong with him.)
ALONG WITH>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FIFTY PERCENTof the hospital....

they also weren't seeing many people come into the ER.
and actually were sending hospital staff home
BECAUSE.. they had nothing to DO!!
SAY WHAT...!?!?!


(pictured: Naomi (me) and Holly on bus in Nebraska)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Vancouver, BC

Psalm 119:24 Your testimonies are my delight they are my councilors. 

I just got back from a ministry trip to Vancouver BC and it was a great time full of a lot of learning experiences, for sure. We drove 17 hours up to Vancouver and 17 back. It was definitely a crazy trip.

-A woman who had cancer in her hands (and I believe feet as well) had a constant level 8 pain in her hands the pain went down to a 2 and then down to a 0.
-A woman who had constant nasal congestion for 30 years sinus started clearing up significantly.
-A woman who had osteoporosis couldn't squat for 18 years now can squat!!
-An elder in the church had hip pain for 35 years now is gone!!!!!
-A cyst on a woman's neck went from being the size of a large pea to at least half the size.

It was a fun trip the church was so hungry it was fun to see them activated in healing, the prophetic, and words of knowledge. It was great to watch them pray for each other grow out legs. Pray for people with flat feet and them receive arches. YAY GOD!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Powerfully Processing Disappointment.

This blog is a bit different than what I usually write about :)
I am actually going to write about how I deal with disappointment.

I live in two worlds at once.
I live knowing that Jesus paid the price absolutely for all to be healed. I know it is absolutely His will and heart to heal all through us His church. While that is  always my expectation that the one in front of me would receive full healing, this isn't always my experience.
It is so crazy to live in this culture where left and right we are hearing amazing testimonies about what God is doing all over the earth. I think in one week I probably hear more good news than I ever did in the  fifteen years before I knew Jesus!
 I celebrate those who are healed and receive any measure of healing in their bodies; I am also at the same time very aware that everyone that gets prayed for isn't healed.

You might wonder what do you do with that? How do you process that?

I have had situations in my life such as my mom dying at 42 from cancer, friend's children dying, and just this week one of my friends dying from cancer. All of these situations all obviously were hard for me and you have also probably had things like this in your life as well, These types of situations lead me to questions and a DEEP hunger to look more like Jesus. Allow me to explain the process.

How do we live on the edge of breakthrough? how do we press in for more? How do we handle when we pray for people and many many many get well and yet some die? These are questions I have had to ask myself and the Lord lately.

1. Let's say we expect something to happen and it doesn't the way we think it should, whether it be healing finances ect.  When someone isn't healed His nature is never on trial. He still purchaced healing and salvation for all. We first and foremost have a choice to make.. To believe that God is good, no matter what. That it is ALWAYS His heart to redeem His people from all works of the devil, death, sickness, sin, poverty, whatever. When we choose to believe He is who He says He is it puts us in a position to be victorious when we are processing our pain.

2. Be honest with God- process how you feel. Be humble and real with God He can handle it. However as you are real with Him, be honoring towards Him, keeping in mind that He is a good Father! Allow Him to come into your heart and love on any places of pain, discouragement, disappointment, or fear. Choose to not be angry at God, because that leads to disappointment and when we are disappointed with God that leads to a skewed perception of Him and who He truly is and that left untreated grows into unbelief. "Hope deferred makes the heart sick." And unbelief leads us into powerlessness... and powerlessness just breeds disappointment.

3. When we choose to believe He is good.To choose to not be disappointed in God.  We next have another choice to make to not give up. To get in the secret place and cry out for more. Our realization that we don't currently measure up to the life of Jesus was meant to lead us to hunger for more and ultimately to looking like Jesus in every area of our lives and bringing heaven to earth in every sphere of society. Our realization that we must have more should lead us to dreaming, imagining, and stepping out, it was never meant to cause us to feel inadequate or powerless!!

Hunger always leads us to relationship and relationship with Him will always lead us to more love, power, and confidence in Him. This very thing should actually lead us to more of His power flowing through our lives and into the world around us!

Keep Dreaming!

The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of  His Christ; and  He will reign forever and ever.”

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Update letter: Travel and support.

Friends and family here is an update about what I have been up to, testimonies, and travel.
I have been back in Redding for three weeks now:

*my entire tuition for my internship was paid off! Yay God!!!
*I got rehired as a server at Red Lobster (I am working around 16 hours per week)
*I moved into my new beautiful BRIGHT green four bedroom house with my awesome 5 roomies.
* I have had a lot of free time to get in the presence, read, journal soak, and jog
*I have been enjoying the Bible like never before 
*I have been meeting with the healing room leadership team and learning so much in our "healing room family."
*I have been learning so much and seeing God do so many wonderful things!
*I have been developing the healing rooms activation with other interns and my mentor Les Coombs, this is an outreach in the healing rooms where 100 students in the school of ministry join our healing rooms volunteers (650) and partner with us in seeing God heal, love, and restore. I have been helping bring in some new ideas and changes. We kick off the Activation Oct. 22nd.

One of many things God has done this week:
*I taught a class this week at the healing rooms for the first time called How to Steward Your Healing. The class is an hour long class, 40 minutes of teaching and 20 minutes of joy and impartation. During the class a man testified of being healed of 27 years of intense continual pain and neuropathy. due to a chemical burn accident he had at work 27 years ago! He said he always felt like a 90 year old man and for the first time felt normal. He received joy and his wife said, "My husband is a new man." He encountered the Lord during the class and after said to me, "Before I came into the class I wasn't sure if my new healing would disappear, It was incredible to see this man not only healed but dramatically experience God's love and leave with a new mindset!
*In the Healing Rooms this week one person was healed of Esophageal cancer and another woman ovarian! 

This year I have been invited on ministry trips where I travel with leaders in the healing rooms and do healing conferences. I am sure on each trip my role will vary but my roles look like, activating churches, empowering students, bringing joy, preaching, teaching, doing evangelism, and seeing God do the impossible where ever we go. 

This next month I am going to Vancouver Canada with Les Coombs and interns, also I am going to Nebraska with one of my personal heroes Joaquin Evans. I am also invited in November to go to England with Joaquin.

Please prayerful consider sewing into these trips, all gifts are tax deductible 100% of your gift will go towards my travel and will  definitely change those cities and nations. 
To Give Online:

To Give by mail:
The Lewis House
4130 Lewis Ave. 
Toledo, Ohio 43612
make sure you put my name in the memo of your check.

To keep in touch/testimonies:

Thank you!! 
I want to thank each and every one of you for being my friends and partnering in what God is doing in my life! I want to thank you for believing in me, your hugs, prayers, and all of your support. I am daily reminded of your love and that none of this would be possible without you. God is a God of the impossible and a God who fulfills dreams. Thank you! 

My prayer for you is that you would be blessed beyond what you could ever ask, think, or imagine!
May Your hunger lead you into places in God's presence and realities in His Word that you never knew existed!

With love from California,
Naomi Grace West

For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield. Psalm 5: 12(NKJV)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Favorite Song...

This song is like the song of my life..
I find myself singing the chorus 24/7..
Especially when I get a free second at work..
"I want to know You
Let Your Spirit overwhelm me
Let Your Presence overtake my heart" <3

Thursday, September 15, 2011

update: life is a bit different

Somethings God has said to me lately, that I want to share:
"I am just as big in the small things as I am in the big things."
"There is nothing I could reveal about myself that you don't have access to."
"Everyone longs to know the Bible is true."

I have been back to Redding for less than two weeks yet it feels like there is so much to talk about.

*my entire tuition for my internship was paid off! Yay God!
*I got rehired as a server at Red Lobster (I wasn't eligible for a transfer)
*I moved into my new beautiful BRIGHT green four bedroom house
* I have had a lot of free time to get in the presence, read, soak, and jog

Being back has been so refreshing catching up with friends and family who live here who just got back from their homelands all over the globe, but mainly my time back has been a very intimate chill time with me and the Lord. The Bible has come alive to me like never before in my life. I am learning so much and just enjoying being in God's presence.

Did you know the word rest is mentioned in the Bible 296 times?
Psalm 116:7
Return, O my soul, to your rest;for the LORD has dealt bountifully with you.

I really have been enjoying resting. Honestly, I always felt like the Biblical command to rest never really applied to me. I never would of said that though, because I was unaware I felt that way. I think somewhere inside I felt like resting was for those who were very task oriented to take a break, or those who were more on the lazy side or enjoyed things slow pace. That resting was for them, but it's for us all!

But I have intensely caught the urge to rest, and to be.
It's so beautiful, peaceful, and incredible.
As I am in this season and place, I have lost my need to be around large crowds of people and hangout a ton. It's very weird and strange because if you know me well you would probably know that is one of my favorite things, but right now that very thing feels uncomfortable and unnecessary. I am sure at some point that will change but right now it is quite different.

I still am enjoying being around people it is just very small scale and simple right now and that is what I need right now. It is such a contrast from my massively busy schedule in second year. But this feels right for this season right now. I am enjoying being in His presence like never before. I would always consider me definitely a person of the presence but it has consumed my life and really is my only priority right now. (obviously my internship and work are priorities and I def know the presence will and has consumed those places too!)

So here is my simple update: rest

Your hunger leads you to places in God's presence and realities in His word that you never knew existed!

Crooked nose straightens out!

I thought this was a really fun thing God did for a man..

On Saturday at the healing rooms me and my friend Richard were having fun just blessing people with joy, laughing, walking around and talking to people and not trying very hard. We were drawn to this young guy from Hawaii who was in his late 20s. We asked if anyone had prayed for him. He said no and he wasn't sure if he wanted prayer. Which was funny because he had a form filled out for prayer and everything. We assured him it would be easy and fun. HA.

He was like sure. He said his nose was punched two years ago by one of his friends and had never healed properly. The top of his nose on his left side was missing cartilage and on the right had a large bump. Also the ball of his nose was twisted to the side and noticeably off center. We prayed and laughed and he started to breathe better out of his nose as well as he received new cartilage in the left side of his nose. When this happened we all started to thank the Lord that he could breathe better....


 I watched the ball of his nose moved from the left side to the center of his nose. IT WAS CRAZY!! Oh man God is so good!! He and his family were very touched by God and his goodness. This guy said his nose was at least 30-50% better, he said when he looked in the mirror his nose looked different!

God is better than we think, He is really good at healing the sick.. which is great because HE IS HEALER! God's goodness blows me away!

Supernatural Weight Loss

A few weeks ago when I was back home in Toledo Ohio, I was at church and ran into a friend who I hadn't seen in awhile. I was sharing with him a few testimonies about creative miracles when he asked if I could pray for him for a weight loss miracle. He said diet and exercise had been hard and he really wanted some divine intervention.

So I prayed as in, I released joy over him and laughed a lot, I don't remember actually "praying." He felt God's presence and what he called a sucking in his stomach. His stomach was sucking in supernaturally!

Then both of us watched his stomach go in a bit..prayed some more and in a bit and some more and still in.. Then we stopped and he still felt it going in ..guessing an inch total and counting!! Yay GOD!!!!! :D He also felt his arms get smaller and when he looked in the mirror he said he noticed a noticable difference! (anyone reading this recieve it for yourself)

I had never seen this happen before but my bestfriend Holy Spirit heals all that come to Him. It isn't about what we have or haven't seen, it's not our efforts, but our willingness to partner with a God who loves to restore all! He is forsure a God of wholeness.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Raised from the dead!!

This story was originally published here on the Bridgeway Church blog.

On April 10th and 11th Greg Morgan and John Carvey brought me (Rick Mann) and Jim Rogers to the Navajo Nation to pray for a congregation in Ganado. While there I got to be good friends with a pretty new Christian, Jeff, who was like a sponge. He wanted everything that God had for him and his family. He asked me on Saturday night if anyone in our congregation at BridgeWay Church had ever experienced someone being raised from the dead. I told him about the Tanzania Team with Jim Rogers and that many miracles, including someone being raised from the dead had been witnessed. Well, Jeff said he wanted that anointing for his family and his church. He had me lay hands on him right there and give him all that BridgeWay had in God's anointing. This guy is hungry for the Lord to move.

Sunday's service lasted from 9am to around 4pm. Jim and I prayed for the fire of the Holy Spirit to fall on the congregation. Many of the parishioners from the Ganado church came back in the prayer line multiple times for the Lord's anointing to fall on them.

The following week I called Jeff to see how he was doing and if the Lord was still on the move there. Jeff said he was glad I called him. He had a huge testimony to share with me. He said that after the BridgeWay team left them on Sunday night, the Lord told him to stay in the spirit. Jeff said that the anointing of the Lord fell on their church in Ganado on Sunday and remained on them after we left. Monday morning he got the terrible news that his cousin had hung himself.

An ambulance took his cousin to a hospital in Albuquerque and kept him on life support until his family could come and say goodbye. They declared him brain dead upon arrival at the hospital. The Lord told Jeff to stay in the Spirit while he went to see his cousin. When they got to the hospital in Albuquerque, Jeff and his wife went in through the doctor's entrance and all of the pass card protected doors just opened for them as they went through. When they got into the room, his cousin's head was swollen and dark from the hanging injury.

The doctors told him that they tested for brain activity and he was declared brain dead. After the family said their goodbyes the hospital was planning on unhooking him. He was essentially dead already. The Holy Spirit directed Jeff to pray Romans 8: 9-11. ". . . .He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you."

After Jeff read this scripture to his cousin, tears rolled down the face of his cousin in response! After that, Jeff says that the doctors retested his cousin's brain activity on Tuesday, the next day, because they saw movement in his cousin's legs. The test showed some brain activity coming back. On Wednesday, his cousin sat up and said "get me out of here! I want to go home!"

Praise God!!!

(source one of my favorite websites:

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I am shocked..dreams do come true!

So tomorrow I am speaking at a little ladies' lunch at one of my favorite womens' house and when I was saving a document for tommorow I noticed I had three word docs titled dreams.
My curiosity got to me and I explored.. them.. ALL..
Because that's how i roll...
To save the details 5 out of 300 of my life dreams 5 out of 5 being entirely impossible happened the past 5 months!!
I also ran into my dream/goals list for second year BSSM.. I'll post them below
many of them happened!

X-means it happened
XXXX-multiple means I am super excited about it & it happened!
and if it's blank that means it is about to..soon!

XXXX-crippled bodies made well time and time again
-see someone raised from death
X-a new confidence in my beauty
XXXX-go out to love people at least twice a week
X-be intentional in grocery stores driving ect to love on people
X-dance on stage during worship
-lose 10 pounds (so far 8.5)
-new eyes form
XXXXX-limbs grow out...YESSSSS!!!
-teeth appear through prayer
XXX-muscles form
XXXXX-open air and see salvations
XX-see 20 people saved through personal interactions (haha looking back God WAY exceeded this)
X-blog, write poems or paint at least 3-4 times a week
-open air a large crowd 50+
X-go on a wonderful date; yes a date (ugh, wonderful may or may not be the word.)
x my income increase
xx deep life long connections continue and even become more apparent
XX-meet with Les for coffee three more times (I'm actually interning with him)
XXX-strong, consistent open connection with housemates
XX-that Love Hutt would continue beyond this year (my house, oh and it did..)
-slam once
XXXX-eat dinner with someone I REALLY admire (def, lots)
xxx host a meal for friends (which was important to me because I was so busy)
-xsoak  and worship with friends regularly
-treasure hunt or such regularly with housemates
-xx go on a treasure hunt with children

I wrote this in October and viewed it just a few times.. thanks Holy Spirit for all you did!

I encourage you to write down your goals because at least half of these I didn't really even acknowledge the process of my breakthrough before reading this...

You may remember my earlier blog about dreams and dreaming with God..

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

transition..can I get an A-MEN!

 I have been in such a place of transition lately whatever that means. For the last three months I can not tell up from down. I am not trying to convey a depressed, hopeless, or even confused feeling. It's more like saying an awkward thing while you are the center of attention and not knowing how to redeem the moment type thing. It's like an everything was very exciting and I don't know how to make the moment climatic again type feeling. Or at least I think, that could be comparable.
The place I have been is hard to explain, it's a  feeling maybe, like I know what the rest of my life holds. Or at least in part, however I am unacquainted with tomorrow. And I don't know what to do, type thing. An all I know to do is to get in God's presence and love on Him because honestly right now that is all that makes sense. Truly in my head many many things make sense but all I understand in my heart is His sweet presence and I am okay with that. Any thoughts on transition?

I know everything will be back to better than normal soon :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm loving it.. Revival at McDonalds!

Yesterday three friends of mine and I went on a treasure hunt to pray for people. Before you go out you write down clues of where you feel God wants you to go. If people aren't getting really strong impressions I just tell them to write down the first thing that comes to their mind because their imagination is good and they have the mind of Christ.

 It was all of their first time on a treasure hunt.. we followed our clues,, Lewis, Alexis, and McDonald to  the McDonalds on the intersection of Lewis and Alexis.. There we ordered smoothies and showed the woman taking our order our treasure maps. She was shocked to see her managers name, neck pain, wrist problems, horses, and a few other clues on it. She began telling us about how she recently moved to Toledo from Arkansas (I believe) and she had fallen and injured the whole left side of her body moving. We prayed for her and she tested it out and said she had less pain. We prophecied over her that God was bringing her into a place of hope. rest, peace, and His presence.. She was very HAPPY because she said this was exactly what she needed. As we wrapped up our conversation she noticed all her pain was gone.. we all left with smiles :D

Next we went outside to leave and we found more "treasures" people to talk to and love on who fit our description. But I am going to tell you about my favorite part. We met this woman outside name Joyce. We just felt like approaching her as she looked at our map she said almost everything made sense!! Many of the names were people who were close to her and we had a description of what she looked like. Also we had back and jaw pain. And her location we had the clues tree, flowers, garden, concrete slab, and she was sitting under a tree, on a large curb next to a flower garden median. We told her God lead us to her and that He loved her so MUCH! She said she was just praying and wondering when her life would turn around and if she would meet good people. She began to cry as she realized God had set her up. She had told us she had recently lost around 100,000 dollars due to fraud on her debit card and now her and her husband who was nearby holding a sign were out of a place to live. We encouraged her that God was good and turning the situation around, as we talked her back pain left. Then my friend Wendy prayed for her jaw which was injured by a man punching her who had a gun.. she said she had been on meds for it but could no longer afford them for a month. All the pain left her a jaw and she experienced god's joy and peace..!!! This woman is such a beautiful woman who God can not resist.

God is so in love with people and can not resist touching their lives!!!

God heals through a Johnny Cash Song!

Some friends and I decided to go downtown Toledo to love on people Sunday.. there actually happened to be a Toledo Mudhens game so a lot of people were out walking around.

  My friend Carrie decided to dare me to get a word of knowledge for a man sitting on a curb and afterwords to sing "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash to get the man healed. I got a word of knowledge for lower back pain and his ankle which was sprained. He said he had been limping badly the pain was at a 10.. so in front of all his coworkers at the baseball stadium who were having a smoke break. I sung "Ring of Fire" and his pain in his ankle went down to a 2! YAY God.

Later as we were passing a group of 5 teenage boys I dared Carrie to get a word of knowledge for one of their names. So she looked over and said who's name is Paul. All the boys looked at one of the boys. He said it was his name. We told him God told us and he was on God's heart. We asked if he had a problem with his knee he said, "yes." He had a tear in his knee, I believe due to sports. We prayed and all the pain left. We then prayed for them to encounter God and prophesied over the boys.. They were rocked and shocked!

God is so good! He wants to touch your city more than you do! Healing is so easy... we didn't even try to get them healed. It is God's nature to heal..He is so faithful! Step out today ask God for a word of knowledge today in a way you never have before for a location, name, or body part that needs healed!! Then step out and ask the person! God will show up!! :D

Monday, July 4, 2011

Guadalajaran Volleyball and miracles at the park.

If we are faithless,      
He remains faithful,    
for he cannot deny who he is. 2 Timothy 2:13

 It is His nature to heal, set free, save, love, bring His Kingdom to Earth, He can not deny Himself.

Two days ago my friend Carrie and I decided to get together and get whacked in God's presence with the intentions of loving on people as we met them. We decided to head to a metropark in my area. So as we were deciding where we wanted to go at the park, we noticed a group of people bumping around a volleyball so we decided to ask if we could join their game. As we approached them we realized they were a group of Hispanic people about the size of 15 plus. I believe only three of the family members were fluent in English all being kids and the rest spoke only Spanish or some minimal spanglish. Que divertido! Carrie and I would get to break out our Spanish as we developed relationship and had revival. It turns out the whole family which consisted of brothers, sisters, aunts, and cousins were originally from Guadalajara, Mexico and were visiting their sister on a trip from where they live in Chicago.
We bumped the volleyball with them for a half hour in the 100 degree sun ! Then we joined their familia for a fruit picnic and conversations about our lives. Carrie had a word of knowledge about the woman's back and shoulder pain. The woman, Angelica then told us she had fallen down the stairs two months prior and had twisted her back and constantly had level 8 pain on a scale of one to ten. Also she told us she had a hernia in her stomach and we asked her if she had popping and cracking in her joints. She said she did we asked if we could pray for her. She said yes. As we prayed she said she felt a presence inside of her belly and she said the hardness in her stomach left. Next all her back pain, shoulder, knee, and head pain all left!!! Wow that is amazing! Thank you Jesus! She said she never had felt Holy Spirit like that before! Her husband also was healed of intense back and hip pain! He can not deny Himself!
Two hours after we met them we departed, with lots of smiles, hugs, kisses, and pictures taken, we made family at the park with our beautiful friends from Guadalajara. :D

Also yesterday three of my friends and I went on a quick vacay to a lake house there we learned our friend Micah did not have arches in his feet God in a moment gave him two new arches and now he says he can feel the difference as he walks, his weight has shifted from the bottom of his foot to his heel! My other three friends all had one shorter leg then their other and we watched as God grew out all their legs!! Jesus is so fun and amazing! He can not deny Himself! HE is so good at revival! Revival was His idea!!!

                                                                Carrie and Naomi :)
                                                                    from the park

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I refused to believe that God has put dreams inside of my heart that are unobtainable. I refuse to put my dreams and visions in a place of maybe in ten years this or that will happen. I will not distance my passions, imaginations, and expectations for a day I am unresposible for. I think today is the day for impossibilities to bow. I think today God wants to do greater works in and through our lives.

-I can't think of a reason creative miracles won't be normal in the next few years for every believer.
-I cant think of a reason all of Redding wont be saved.
-I cant think of a reason why I won't see all cancer and AIDS erradicated entirely of this planet.
- I can't think of a reason my children and their children will not inherit a world in world wide revival.

All these thoughts, stirrings, and hunger.
Has lead to the craziest miracle of all or maybe you should say the greatest miracle of all has lead to this type of hunger...
Union of God, friendship with God, being entirely one with Him, the mystery of the ages that creator God would dwell in us His creation.
Is the GREATEST miracle and the essence of life..
To know Him in His fullness!!

And I am consumed with the hunger to know God like never before in my life.
I mean consumed in the most extreme and intense definition of the word.
Obsessed with the desire to know...
Not merely justht e concept of God, the workings of God, or the nature of God, but the very personhood of God, the depth of Him. The secrets He has kept hidden for those who long to go into deep communion with Him.
communion means 7 things:
His presence, fellowship, sharing together, participation with, intimacy, friendship, comradeship.

We were born to know God to crave a friendship with Him and the more we feed this desire the more we know Him. And the more we know Him the more we want to know Him and be with Him because He is so sweet, desireable joyful,kind, loving, tender, fun, and lovely in every way. Ask him to come and meet you in a whole new way.. and as you do and continue to do so.. you will never be disappointed. You will be entirely satisfied in your desire to know Him more.


"Jesus is my very best friend, He is wonderful. There is no one else like Him. I live to show the world how great He is."-Holy Spirit

Well my computer was broken for almost a month
and the things I missed the most were..
1. listening to music online
2. hearing testimonies online
3. ibethel tv
3. blogging..
        I am so thankful to have my computer running again

For the summer I am back where I am originally from in Ohio.
I have been "home" for a little over a week now.
And really how that came about was I just felt this is where the Lord wanted me to be this summer so I cancelled all my plans to come home which after coming home it all makes so much sense.(I will be returning in September to intern in Healing Rooms.)

It has so far been relaxing, fun, interesting, intense, and very peaceful.
It has been fabulous to see everyone I love or rather to begin that process of visiting with them.
Old friends, family, neighbors, ect I look forward to creating so many new adventures to partake in.
It has been such a delight to see my two little sisters, and niece and nephew as well! I can't believe it has been ten months!

Also it has been great to stay in my room for hours reading or just enjoying the sweet presence of  Holy Spirit. He has become such a great friend and dear treasure to me. I pray that you would come to know Him in a better way today!

So just wanted to let ya in on what has been up with me and I will be posting soon about what the beautiful person Holy Spirit has been revealing to me.. until then LOVE, and buckets of joy =)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Invitation to creative miracles, craziest miracle I've seen.

"What you hunger for exists."

Yesterday at the healing rooms I was doing Skype. (people call in over the computer, you pray with them for healing ect. via webcam)

After my first call nobody was calling in, so I got bored or maybe just adventurous and decided to call someone who I haden se called earlier, but her call was missed
Turns out she is a beautiful college age girl who was born with a deformed arm. she showed me her arm which the right one was twice as thin in the forearm and clearly not as long, with stubs for fingers and barely no palm at all. Neither parts of her arm were as long as the other one.
She told me for the last year creative miracles have been taking place in her arm slowly, such as it has been getting longer.

Over  the webcam I asked the Holy Spirit to come into her room. She said she felt a physical pulling of her arm. We giggled and laughed. She said she saw an angel standing over her shoulder and felt her shoulder go into place. Then she messured her arm against her other arm and it was longer and both her elbows matched up for the FIRST TIME EVER!!!! Next I watched her forearm grow out about an inch and slowly 'fatten' up until it was as thick/wide as her other. I seen this with my eyes over skype! Which it was twice as small!! Then she asked if I would pray for her palm which was only maybe half an inch to an inch in size this then grew in size at least an inch or two and 'fattened' up as well. To about the same size as her other, this was still a different shape though. We continued to giggle, laugh, and celebrate what God was doing! We both stared at each other over skype saying "OH GOD!" with childlike wonder, awe, and thanksgiving, marveling at how awesome, beautiful, and creative our God is. After this point we had been skyping for about 15 minutes and she said she was going to go and continue worshiping believing for the full restoration of her palm and fingers. I beleve at one point she said she could litterally feel where her fingers would grow as if they were there!

OH MY GOD IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He truely creates and restores all things!

It is in His heart that none would suffer but all would know Him.
He is so incredibly GOOD and HAPPY! <3

The thing is I almost didn't even call this girl but when I read and saw she needed a creative miracle for her shorter deformed arm I stopped and thought about how in my personal time with God I have been telling Him I wanted to see breakthrough in creative miracles after praying for quite a bit and no breakthrough of people without eyes, legs, or arms. When I told Him I wanted breaththrough it was one of those things where you feel as if, I am so hungry for this if I don't have/see this I could die, type of hungers. That I wanted creative miracles to be normal for me and the church. I have never seen anything like this before. Maybe you have that is AWESOME!! But this miracle did something deep inside of me that I can't explain.

 I know that everytime God shows me something new it's an invitation to a new realm of normal. Now that I have seen God do one it's an invitation that through my life this creative nature of God will be displayed. I/we no longer have any right to live in an inferior revelation of His ability to create and display His beautiful Kingdom on the earth.