Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Miracles in Madison.

Do you love incredible friends, world renowened pizza, beautiful heart felt worship, churches being transformed, creative miracles, and reivival!?
Then you should of been on my trip to Madison, Wisconsin!
Then Again maybe you were there.

God is doing Beautiful, wonderful things in Madison!!

My team and I did a youth service, three leadership meetings, a prophetic teaching time, an evangelism activation where we took people in the church out in the community to love on people, a Friday night service where we activated the church in a supernatural lifestyle and their Sunday morning service!!

The church we went to was a really fun innercity church of about 400 people. During youth group there was like 70 young people there. While we were speaking at first it appeared none of them were paying attention. As we prophecied over them they would chat with friends or stare at the floor but we chose not to be discourage, then we told them about God's presence and all of them started to feel warmth or tingling on their hands. Next 12 youth responded to wanting to be free from addictions.At least 20-30 young people gave their hearts to Jesus and invited Holy Spirit to be their best friend! COME ON!

Next I asked them who wanted to see God do a miracle through them! Almost all of them raised their hands. I said I need ten volunteers so how about ten people come up.. they rushed the stage and over half of them came up! I told them what a word of knowledge was and we went down the line. They gave words of knowledge and many miracles broke out through their hands or without anyone praying!!

Here are a few of the miracles!
Vertebrae aligned after 14 years no longer crocked neck.
Finger girl jammed knuckle hurt quick prayer by guy w word of knowledge all pain gone.
A Tumor the size of five inches by two inches totally dissolved along with a few other cysts!

Kid with cataracts thick glasses couldn't see exit sign now everything clearly
Giggling heat presence kids flipping out never felt him so strongly
12 legs grew out  first or six taller
12 backs better
A kid first time in church

Cleft pallet hole in roof of mouth when she talked you could hear wind, Cleft hole in her mouth is smaller... Crazy..

A girl who didn't know God had an encounter where Jesus said your eyes are beautiful.She couldn't move her eyes to see only head. she began to freely move her left eye she couldn't move it since birth.

Guy hadn't slept more than 4 hours in eight years slept.. 12 hours...

Hammer toes straightened out, his shoes fit and this problem had been there his whole life.

Women with arm condition five years lifted a bag first time since surgery.

Kk who didn't know if God was real he used her to grow out legs

Woman couldn't breathe in sleep, breathed first time 15 years through her nose.

Thank you God for all the miracles you did in Wisconsin! If you need a miracle in your body just start testing that body part out!!


  1. Wow! That is so beautiful! God is so amazing, I love the things He does! I really like the ones to do with eyesight :) Yay for persevering and not allowing discouragement to settle!

  2. Lozi thank you for the encouragement! And thanks for reading I pray that you would be activated into new levels of the miraculous !!!!!:)
