Monday, June 16, 2014

¡Tres Meses en Colombia!

  Mis Amigos, 

Estoy escribiendo para ponerte al día de lo que Dios ha estado haciendo en mi vida y para contarte las cosas emocionantes que están por venir! Quiero contarte las cosas que Dios está haciendo en mi vida y contarte la siguiente fase de mi vida.

Una Escuela Recibe a Cristo

Los estudiantes reciben a Cristo por primera vez
Durante mi viaje a Medellín, Colombia, fuimos a una escuela en la cual muchos estudiantes son prostitutas o están usando drogas. En el auditorio, más o menos 400 personas recibieron a Cristo y muchas más personas recibieron milagros, gozo o el poder de Dios. ¡Dios es muy bueno y todo el mundo tiene hambre de Dios! 

¡No más sordos y ciegos! 

¡Nuestro grupo de mi iglesia Bethel en Redding fuimos un peligro para Medellín! En la parte de la sierra, predicamos el evangelio y dos personas que eran sordos y otra que era ciega recibieron sanidad. Dios hizo muchos milagros y treinta personas recibieron a Cristo. Dios quiere encontrarse con la gente en los lugares que están llenos de oscuridad. ¡Nosotros somos la luz del mundo! Tenemos esa cosa que el mundo quiere. 

¿Cuál es el siguiente paso para Naomi West? 

¡Gracias por preguntar!

¡Este hombre ya no necesita los audífonos!
Como probablemente ya sabes, he estado viviendo en Redding California, desde el 2009. En el 2012 me gradué de la escuela de ministerio de Bethel y desde entonces Dios ha estado abriendo puertas para que viaje y haga ministerio itinerante, equipando el cuerpo de Cristo global a través de impartición, activación y predicación. He estado viajando una media de una o dos veces al mes y he hecho amistades de pacto por todo el mundo. Soy parte de la comunidad itinerante de la iglesia de Bethel (Bethel Activation Ministry), la cual cubre a aquellos que han sido preparados para representar la iglesia de Bethel de una forma itinerante. ¡Amo esta comunidad y continuaré siendo parte de ella! 

Como muchos de vosotros sabéis, durante los últimos cinco años he pasado mucho tiempo ministrando y haciendo misiones en Latino América. He tenido el honor de traer el cielo a la tierra y de ver a los enfermos sanados, gente nacer de nuevo y la iglesia ser activada con un estilo de vida del Reino. 

Mis últimos viajes a Latino América se han sentido cada vez menos como una tierra extranjera y más como mi segundo hogar. Mi entendimiento y mi habilidad de hablar Español ha crecido mucho especialmente en los últimos tres años. He estado soñando con ir a un país de Latino América para una visita más larga, desde el 2010. Durante dos años atesoré ese sueño en mi corazón y oré sobre ello pero en Mayo del 2012 ¡algo sucedió cuando fui a Bogotá, Colombia por primera vez! En ese viaje vimos a Dios iluminar una ciudad con Su poder. Conocí a algunos de los creyentes más humildes y hambrientos que jamás había conocido. Recuerdo en una pequeña campaña, vimos a 150 personas nacer de nuevo poderosamente a través de la hermosa iglesia Colombiana. Recuerdo la mirada en los ojos de mis amigos Colombianos cuando se dieron cuenta de que ellos también podía caminar en el Poder del Evangelio. 

¿Qué estaré haciendo en Bogotá?

Hay muchas puertas abiertos para el Reino en Colombia. Estaré trabajando junto a una iglesia llamada “La Casa” y ellos me estarán proveyendo de una habitación donde quedarme. Estaré trabajando junto con ellos para predicar en una conferencia, ministrar a prostitutas y drogadictos de forma semanal, entrenar a gente en evangelismo y hacer ministerio en una escuela con 600 jóvenes. Estas son sólo algunas de las formas que estaré invirtiendo en la nación. También planeo estar viajando un poco por el país trabajando con otros amigos e iglesias. Creo que este viaje es un viaje para explorar posibilidades que llevarán a estrategias para impactar Latino América a largo plazo con el Reino de Dios! 

¿Cómo podemos trabajar juntos? 

Estoy muy agradecida por las oraciones y por las personas que creen en mi vida. ¡Tus oraciones mueven el cielo y la tierra!

Por favor ora por mi viaje: 
- Puertas abiertas
- La Casa Iglesia
- Finanzas para mi viaje
- Mi salud
- El avivamiento en Bogotá y en Colombia.

Yo estoy muy emocionada por la aventura y estoy muy contenta por mi comunidad y la familia en Cristo. Para mis tres meses en Colombia, necesitaré $6800 (dólares US) para el 28 de Julio. Esto cubre mi comida, transporte, gastos telefónicos, vuelos dentro del país, dinero de emergencia y gastos en Estados Unidos durante mi ausencia. Donativos para este viaje son una buena inversión en el reino de Dios y también en mi vida. Estoy muy agradecida por las oraciones y por los donativos para mi ministerio. ¡Gracias de antemano a todos!

Se que cada dólar dado impactará el Reino de Dios y tocará Colombia. ¡Estoy muy emocionada por esta oportunidad de que tú y yo trabajemos juntos para ver el Reino de Dios invadir Colombia!

Si te gustaría dar, hay varias formas diferentes de que puedas dar económicamente. 
Para una deducción de impuestos en Estados Unidos puedes escribir un cheque a: 

Latin Impact Ministries
19485 SW 287th Street
Homestead, FL 33030

o por internet en

por favor añade una nota por separado al cheque indicando que es para el Viaje de Naomi West o si prefieres dar a través de Paypal puedes hacerlo directamente usando mi dirección de email:

Muchas Gracias!!
Abrazos y Avivamiento!!

Naomi Grace West
Apprentice Minister
Bethel Activation Ministries (B.A.M)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Naomi West Ministry Update and Testimonies

Dear Friends,

I am writing to update you about what God has been doing in my life and to tell you about the exciting things that are next!!

 A few things God has been doing: 

School Saved

Students standing to receive salvation
During my last trip to Colombia our team of 25 was invited to come speak in two assemblies at a public high school. Many of these students were hit men or prostitutes. We came to tell them of a good God who wants to meet them right where they are. I shared my personal testimony and told them about Jesus the Son of God who while they were still sinners died for them and reconciled them back to the Father. We told them about a God who was an extravagant Father who they could know intimately, after we shared the Gospel message we asked them to stand to their feet if they wanted to receive Jesus.  ALMOST ALL OF THEM DID! God's Spirit came and invaded that high school assembly. All over the room God was healing bodies and people were repenting. His Spirit was so present in that assembly. Around 400 students came into a relationship with God in both meetings.

Deaf Ears Open, Blind Eyes See

This young man is holding the hearing aids that he no longer needs
Our lovely team took a bus to a very dangerous part of Medellin, Colombia called La Sierra. We knew God's power wanted to invade this place. We were asked to invite people to this Christian Soccer game. I asked if at any point during the game we could preach the Gospel and heal the sick. I was told we could. We walked around for 20 minutes and we were supposed to be inviting people to the game. I was with my good Colombian friend Ana Maria. We were going from door to door trying to pray for people. Next I met this guy who was leaning against a bike. He would not make eye contact with me. It appeared he may be blind. I wasn't sure so I asked him. He said he was. We prayed a quick prayer for him and he began to see!! He could count fingers that were being held in front of him as well as he began to describe in details his surroundings.

After the man's blind eyes were healed a shop keeper found us and asked for us to pray for his deaf daughter. We met that wonderful family. Their 18 year old daughter was entirely deaf from birth. We prayed for her and she began to hear sounds, noises, her mothers voice. She was able to hear way more than before! I was so rocked by God. He showed up in this very remote dangerous part of Colombia.

God Invaded an Infamous Drug Neighborhood

For our team to even enter this neighborhood we had to pay a bribe. As we walked up I was told who the Drug Lords were and where they were standing. I began to get a prophetic word for one of them and talked to him for 20 minutes. The next day he came 30 minutes to the church we were at because he was hungry for more of God!

Then it was time to preach the gospel at the soccer game. One of my good friends Sophie and I tag-teamed preaching the gospel, 30 people in total were saved at La Sierra that day! And dozens of bodies were healed!

Our Friend Felipe
after he received breakthrough

Paralyzed boy Meets a Good God

We also met this amazing young man named Felipe who was 22 years old. Two years before we met him, he had an accident and became paralyzed from above the belly button all the way down. A group of us prayed for him in his home and he was able to begin to feel his feet for the first time in two years!! He was shocked as God healed his equilibrium and he was able to move around more than he could before! WOW God is amazing!!!

What is next for Naomi West?

I am so glad you asked!

As you probably know I have been living in Redding Ca, since 2009. I graduated three years of Bethel School of Ministry in 2012. Since then God has opened many doors for me to travel itinerately, equipping the global body of Christ through impartation, activation, and preaching. I have been traveling on average once or twice a month and have made covenant friends all over the planet. I am a part of Bethel Church's Itinerate community, Bethel Activation Ministry, which is a covering for those who have been released to represent Bethel Church at an itinerate capacity. I love this community and will continue to remain a part of it!

As many of you know, I have been spending a lot of time doing ministry and missions in Latin America over the last five years. I have had the honor to partner with heaven to see the sick healed, many born again, and the church activated in a Kingdom Lifestyle. 

My last few trips to Latin America have felt less like a foreign land and more like a second country or a second home. My understanding and ability to speak Spanish has grown a lot especially in the past three years.  I have been dreaming of going to a Latin American country for a more long term visit since 2010. For two years I treasured that dream in my heart and prayed into it. But in May 2012 something happened, for the first time I went to Bogota, Colombia! On that trip we saw God literally light up a city with His power. I encountered some of the humblest and hungriest believers I have ever met. I remember in just one small outreach we saw 140 people powerfully born again through the Beautiful Colombian Church. I remember the look in my Colombian friends' eyes as they realized they too could walk in the Power of the Gospel. 

Ever since that day in Bogota in 2012 I haven’t been able to shake God’s fire for Colombia. I have returned on a few occasions and everywhere I go, the people are so hungry for God! For the past few years I haven’t been able to stop dreaming about this nation.  I have made  a decision under my community and pastors at Bethel to go to Colombia from the beginning of August to beginning of November. I am compelled to go.

What will I be doing in Bogota? 

There are a lot of open doors for the Kingdom in Colombia. I will be coming alongside a church called La Casa. They will be providing me a room to stay in. I will be coming alongside them to speak at a conference, minister to prostitutes and drug addicts weekly, train people in evangelism, and do ministry in their Christian school of 600 youth. These are just some of the many ways I will be pouring into the nation. I also plan on traveling a little bit in the country and partnering with some other friends and churches too. I believe this trip is a scouting trip that will lead to long term strategies for impacting Latin America with the Kingdom of God!

How can we partner together?

I am so grateful to all those who pray and believe in my life because I know prayer moves heaven!! 

Please Pray into this trip for:

            - Open doors
            - La Casa Church
            - Finances to come in quickly
            - For long lasting fruit
            - My personal health 
            - That Bogota would be touched by God like never before

I am very excited to be taking this adventure and am so glad to know my community and family in Christ backs me up! For my three months stay I need to raise $6800 by July 28th. That will cover my food, transport, phone, in country flight, toiletries, emergency money, and my expenses in the States. I know that giving towards this trip will be a good investment into the Kingdom of God. I am so grateful for everyone who has given in the past into my life through encouragement, prayer, or financially. I am grateful for every gift.

           I know every dollar given will impact God’s Kingdom and touch Colombia. I am excited for this opportunity for you and I to partner together to see God invade Colombia!

If you would like to give I want to give you a few different ways to give financially,
For a tax deductible donation you can write checks to:

  Latin Impact Ministries
19485 SW 287th Street
Homestead, FL 33030

or online at

*Please attach a note with checks that it is for Naomi West’s Colombia Trip.

or if you prefer to give via PayPal you can give straight to Naomi West 

using the email

Thank you so much!

Revival Fire,

Naomi Grace West
Apprentice Minister
Bethel Activation Ministries (B.A.M.)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Colombia Crusade Testimonies 2014

Thank you to everyone who prayed and gave!! 

Hello and thank you to everyone who prayed and supported our trip to Colombia in February. It was my second time in Colombia. I went for around a week to Sincelejo, Colombia with a team of 39 people! We were from five continents total! I also was able to see a few of my close friends who don’t live in Redding as well. We did a crusade and us from the BAM team each had an opportunity to preach three times in night services. We also did a conference during the day for pastors, leaders, and worship leaders. God moved BIG time and this was personally one of my favorite ministry trips. 

During the first night of the crusade around 100 people were born again and during the second night around 300 were born again. God did hundreds if not thousands of miracles. Our team also was featured on the radio, television, and newspaper. We were able to share testimonies and call out words of knowledge. 

We did an outreach time and they arranged for us to preach with a small sound system in the plaza. I took a team of 8 or so by taxi. It was this large plaza with lots of trees, beautiful people, food and trinkets being sold everywhere. At first I was highlighted to this guy who had crutches. I approached him and asked why he had crutches he had a prosthetic leg. I began to tell him about a guy the night before at our church service who had been healed of 15 years of back, neck, and stomach pain! As I told him I was aware there were people listening who I was talking to, so I began to look into their eyes and share testimonies. As we did a small crowd gathered and I began to raise my voice and more came. First 8 people were healed mainly of back pain. Our team began to pray for people and tons of people received miracles in the crowd. We preached the cross and salvation then went after healing and repeated. A crowd of 80 plus gathered and miracles were breaking out everywhere. Including a guy who just broke part of his ankle and was coming from the doctors with his x-ray in his hand was totally pain free! In total on the street that day at least 30 people received Jesus as their Personal Savior.

The next day we went back out on the streets again and I saw around 10 guys sitting on a wall in the plaza. I approached them and began to loudly tell them testimonies of what God was doing. Before we knew it a crowd had gathered on every side of about 100 people. I stood on a wall so I could project my voice loudly. We saw God do 50 plus miracles most of them without anyone praying. God opened up deaf ears and blind eyes. At one point our crowd began to disperse while a second year student was powerfully preaching. I went to figure out what happened to the crowd. I saw they were gathered around the witch doctor. I hopped up where the student was preaching and asked him to stop for a second. I began making declarations of how Jesus Christ was the most powerful power, kindest, most loving, generous, ect. The crowd came back and the witch left. Next we said, “God’s Presence is here in a physical tangible way. You are going to begin to feel Him in heat, power, ect. Raise your hand if you do.” Every hand went up! Over 30 people were born again. 

Also during one of the outreach times one of the girls on our team felt lead to go to the police station with her group. The police station invited them to share the Gospel with 200 officers in training. They were super rocked by the Good News!!

Thank you so much for praying into this trip and everyone who gave into the crusade to see heaven invade earth. I am believing our breakthroughs in Colombia are your breakthrough in your city. I am praying and believing for a harvest where you are!! 

These were his instructions to them; “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields. Luke 10:2

Naomi West
Apprentice Minister

Bethel Activation Ministries (B.A.M)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fall Update!!

"Somebody call the police because signs and wonders are following me."

Yes, I did think that quote was clever. I believe I first said that after a recent miracle outbreak somewhere. Hello friends from all over the world!!  Hope all is extraordinary in your life. It has been a great season for me. Summer has been full of catching up with friends, relaxing, and some ministry trips. I recently got back from an incredible trip to Panama. I was personally blown away by God in worship and had some life changing encounters with the Lord. Also I  had a blast with our team there and the new friends I met. Panama is such a hungry nation, so ripe for revival. We did a healing conference with about 400 attendees. Some of the miracles were 10 salvations, a 50 year old women who was deaf in one ear from birth was totally healed, sciatic pain healed in a women who no longer needs her medication, a guy with Parkinson's Disease had noticeable differences, a man with arthritis pain and crutches for seven years free to walk again!!,  a 17 year old girl healed of scoliosis, and a man free of years of drug addiction. God is so good we couldn't exaggerate His Goodness if we tried!

Allyssa healed of scoliosis

I am continuing to enjoy Bethel and my involvement here. I feel so honored and excited to be a part of this community. Wow. I have also been in a season of getting back into painting in my free time, mainly watercolors for now. As well as I just received a scholarship to do an online Bible school that just started called Welton Academy. It is basically a Bible school training in Kingdom Doctrine and honestly an answer to my prayers because I have been wanting to do something like that for awhile.

I am continuing to lead trips for Bethel as well as I am taking 20 students on a mission trip to Colombia in March. I couldn't be more excited! Last year on this trip they saw an entire high school saved and thousands of miracles. I also have some other great trips coming up, one I am very excited about is I will be back in home home state Ohio in November! Please keep these in your prayers.
Team Panama

As many of you know I have just been traveling and doing ministry full time. I have been trusting God fully for finances and it has been so cool to see him show up like he always does. To be honest  this last season of my life with finances was pretty tight but I know I am exactly where I am suppose to be, doing what I am suppose to be doing. However, I felt like I needed to be humble and give people an opportunity to give into my life if they wanted. To give you a reference my living expenses are around $800 a month. If you would like to financially sew into my life you can do so in two ways one is through PayPal you can give to or tax deductible via checks through The Lewis House (put Naomi West in the memo).

The Lewis House
4130 Lewis Ave
Toledo, Ohio 43612

It is an honor to have you in my life and to together see God's beautiful Kingdom expand on the earth. Together we get to plunder hell, populate heaven, and see Jesus get His full reward.
If you have any prayer requests or want to connect feel free to email me.
Blessings and Increase on you and your family. Don't forget that with God all things are possible!

Naomi West
Apprentice Minister
Bethel Activation Ministries, B.A.M 

Monday, September 9, 2013


I went to Tijuana a few weeks ago on a ministry trip.
The trip was designed as a Global Legacy trip. People from different churches, cities, and nations joined us. There were around 60 of us including our incredible translators. First off I want to thank the people who gave to my flight down to San Diego. I was super greatful to get to be apart of the team and lead a team of 8 down there. I was also very happy to see around 15 of my friends from Madison, Wisconsin.

We went to this place in Tijuana called Revolution Street we unleashed 60 crazy revivalists on the people walking by many were prostitutes, drug dealers, resturant workers, club goers, and tourists. It was indeed a dark place where God wanted to show up. We continually preached the Gospel from the stage for around three hours with many miracles happening. We called it a Gospel miracle sandwich. We would preach the Gospel people would get saved and then more miracles for THREE HOURS straight.
Some of my favorites were Raul who had7 years extreme leg pain  he was healed and saved!

As we were rapping up the night I saw this couple walking past and I began to prophecy over them from the mic. Two team members found them and went to them continuing to prophecy over them. Then both of them gave their life to Jesus. Also Ruly the well known bull fighter who was gored by a bull months before, he had very extreme continual pain in his side and it all left. Jesus is good!

We had a great time with our friends down there as well as we saw tons of miracles and salvations in hospitals, garbage dumps, malls, and the red light district down there. Thanks to everyone who gave to my ticket down there!