
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fall Update!!

"Somebody call the police because signs and wonders are following me."

Yes, I did think that quote was clever. I believe I first said that after a recent miracle outbreak somewhere. Hello friends from all over the world!!  Hope all is extraordinary in your life. It has been a great season for me. Summer has been full of catching up with friends, relaxing, and some ministry trips. I recently got back from an incredible trip to Panama. I was personally blown away by God in worship and had some life changing encounters with the Lord. Also I  had a blast with our team there and the new friends I met. Panama is such a hungry nation, so ripe for revival. We did a healing conference with about 400 attendees. Some of the miracles were 10 salvations, a 50 year old women who was deaf in one ear from birth was totally healed, sciatic pain healed in a women who no longer needs her medication, a guy with Parkinson's Disease had noticeable differences, a man with arthritis pain and crutches for seven years free to walk again!!,  a 17 year old girl healed of scoliosis, and a man free of years of drug addiction. God is so good we couldn't exaggerate His Goodness if we tried!

Allyssa healed of scoliosis

I am continuing to enjoy Bethel and my involvement here. I feel so honored and excited to be a part of this community. Wow. I have also been in a season of getting back into painting in my free time, mainly watercolors for now. As well as I just received a scholarship to do an online Bible school that just started called Welton Academy. It is basically a Bible school training in Kingdom Doctrine and honestly an answer to my prayers because I have been wanting to do something like that for awhile.

I am continuing to lead trips for Bethel as well as I am taking 20 students on a mission trip to Colombia in March. I couldn't be more excited! Last year on this trip they saw an entire high school saved and thousands of miracles. I also have some other great trips coming up, one I am very excited about is I will be back in home home state Ohio in November! Please keep these in your prayers.
Team Panama

As many of you know I have just been traveling and doing ministry full time. I have been trusting God fully for finances and it has been so cool to see him show up like he always does. To be honest  this last season of my life with finances was pretty tight but I know I am exactly where I am suppose to be, doing what I am suppose to be doing. However, I felt like I needed to be humble and give people an opportunity to give into my life if they wanted. To give you a reference my living expenses are around $800 a month. If you would like to financially sew into my life you can do so in two ways one is through PayPal you can give to or tax deductible via checks through The Lewis House (put Naomi West in the memo).

The Lewis House
4130 Lewis Ave
Toledo, Ohio 43612

It is an honor to have you in my life and to together see God's beautiful Kingdom expand on the earth. Together we get to plunder hell, populate heaven, and see Jesus get His full reward.
If you have any prayer requests or want to connect feel free to email me.
Blessings and Increase on you and your family. Don't forget that with God all things are possible!

Naomi West
Apprentice Minister
Bethel Activation Ministries, B.A.M 

Monday, September 9, 2013


I went to Tijuana a few weeks ago on a ministry trip.
The trip was designed as a Global Legacy trip. People from different churches, cities, and nations joined us. There were around 60 of us including our incredible translators. First off I want to thank the people who gave to my flight down to San Diego. I was super greatful to get to be apart of the team and lead a team of 8 down there. I was also very happy to see around 15 of my friends from Madison, Wisconsin.

We went to this place in Tijuana called Revolution Street we unleashed 60 crazy revivalists on the people walking by many were prostitutes, drug dealers, resturant workers, club goers, and tourists. It was indeed a dark place where God wanted to show up. We continually preached the Gospel from the stage for around three hours with many miracles happening. We called it a Gospel miracle sandwich. We would preach the Gospel people would get saved and then more miracles for THREE HOURS straight.
Some of my favorites were Raul who had7 years extreme leg pain  he was healed and saved!

As we were rapping up the night I saw this couple walking past and I began to prophecy over them from the mic. Two team members found them and went to them continuing to prophecy over them. Then both of them gave their life to Jesus. Also Ruly the well known bull fighter who was gored by a bull months before, he had very extreme continual pain in his side and it all left. Jesus is good!

We had a great time with our friends down there as well as we saw tons of miracles and salvations in hospitals, garbage dumps, malls, and the red light district down there. Thanks to everyone who gave to my ticket down there!

Monday, July 1, 2013

My Trip to the Gay Pride Festival

A few days ago I went to San Francisco on a trip with some friends. The only thing we had on our agenda was love.  While we were down there we  went to this event called Off the Grid it was an event with music and over 30 food trucks (I highly recommend going!), the Golden Gate Bridge, Union Square, and the Tenderloin all to release God's love. We saw God encounter drug dealers, prostitutes, people coming off of methadone, the homeless, and the gay community.

We went specifically to love on people at the 43rd Annual Gay Pride event. They estimated 1 million people would be involved either in the festival or the parade June 29-30. As our team was talking and praying for the event. A church leader down there a BSSM illumni named Rebecca was sharing some wisdom with us. She asked if we had any questions for her about the event. I said, "So I am assuming at some point during Gay Pride someone will ask us something along the lines of 'since you follow Jesus or are a Christian, what do you think of my lifestyle?' so Rebecca how would you respond in that scenario?" She said, "Well I would say to them it isn't my job to judge you. The one whose job that is, is thinking nothing but good things about you. His thoughts towards you outnumber the grains of sand on the seashores." After she said that our team was feeling pretty pumped, full of compassion, and excited for what God would do.

We headed down towards the event on our walk from the parking garage to the event everything looked like my usual experience in San Fran; busy streets, cafes, dozens of homeless people, trash in the streets, and  beautiful views. When we walked into the event we saw rainbows galore, very immodestly dressed people, couples everywhere both heterosexual and homosexual, drag queens, large stages with people dancing, the smell of marijuana and the smell of San Francisco food trucks, The whole scene reminded me of an MTV Spring Break. I thought this place is exactly where God is and I am so glad I am here. The same Jesus who was called a friend of Prostitutes and sinners, the Jesus who tells us light shines best in darkness, the Jesus who heals the brokenhearted, and sets people free, the Jesus who has an answer to every problem in world history is here.

We split in teams of twos and threes and went around loving people. Our team hugged a drag queen and prophesied over him. Then I saw this guy who I had met earlier with a free hug sign. I decided to sit in the grass next to him. I then told him I had a spiritual reading for him (a prophetic word) I began to tell him, "I see you are really introverted but have been doing things to break out of your shell. You are in a season where you have had a lot of new ideas lately for your future." I said some other things as well. He said "Whoa, how do you know all that about me? I am here doing this hug thing by myself so I can start to feel more comfortable around people. However it isn't working so I am about to go to Burger King and do these drugs." He pointed to his back pocket and proceeded to tell me about some heavy drugs that you eat. He was at the event doing them and selling them.I then told him about the Presence and how much God is thinking about him and how good he is. I told him that his drugs couldn't even compare in the slightest to God's Presence. He said later he would probably check the Presence out. I told him could do it whenever he wanted and I gave him some tips to experiencing God's Presence.

Many people at Pride were prophesied over and they were shocked and how we knew things about  them. We would tell them Jesus was the reason we knew and that He deeply loves them. Lots of the team saw people healed. We were really sensitive about if and when we would ask people in this particular location if they wanted to give their life to Jesus. Tons of people at the Gay Pride Festival were encouraged and we are dreaming about how to make a massive impact in that culture in the future. It was a good day and a very eye opening experience.

Later that night we went back to the awesome church that was hosting us and encouraged them with testimonies of what God is doing in their city. We saw dozens of people healed including a women with a growth on her chest that went up to the top of her armpit dissolve entirely.

Thanks For Reading. 

Maybe you are reading this and you are living a gay lifestyle.
I want to encourage you and tell you God loves you and looks at you with eyes of love.
If you want to ask Jesus into your life you should it's the best decision you will ever make. He will come into your life and make everything new. He will restore you, heal you, and love on you. Feel free to email me at

Saturday, June 22, 2013

These days, Life is good.

Hello. Hello. You are so dear to me all my family and friends all over the planet. So if you are wondering what is going on in my life, or what I have been up to? Allow me to tell you.

I have been enjoying life fully. God has been really good to me as always and I have been having a lot of fun. Since September I have made a decision to grow my skills in pastoring, mentoring, coaching, and developing others. I have been mentoring some girls in Katrina Stevenson's revival group at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. Which has been very fun and personally eye opening to discover something else I love doing! Being a part of peoples processes, seeing them succeed, celebrating their breakthroughs, and challenging them.

Also I have been enjoying many of my incredible friendships at Bethel as well as I have been learning so much from our itinerate traveling group BAM. BAM is a group of Bethel Itinerates that travel the world representing Bethel and who are in relationship with the fathers and mothers of Bethel.
I have been traveling the world itinerately by invitation for the past three years the first year with Bethel leaders and the last two as the speaker/leader of most trips I go on. So far in 2013 I have been to Mexico, Wisconsin, Chicago, Indiana, Oregon, Washington, all over California, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Canada, and Nebraska. God has been doing many amazing things from seeing marriages restored, entire congregations physically healed, to many salvations. Come on JESUS! I have also really enjoyed the second year Bethel students and friends I have been having on my trips as my ministry team. I have really been enjoying seeing God show up both in the streets and in the church. It has even been awesome all the stuff I am learning through Holy Spirit and my mentors in preaching and seeing God be God! It is an honor to serve God and be a part of what He is doing on the planet!

You may know that I was struggling with adrenal fatigue for a year and a half. I want you to know I am feeling much better. Thank you GOD! So much of my strength and energy has returned.
I want to thank all of you for the incredible role you play in my life. Thank you for your friendship, prayers, and believing in my life. You have been an incredible blessing to me. Thank you for being you.

Blessings to you,
Naomi West